It's my birthday!
And I'm old!
So let's celebrate!
I mean, fate would have to really have it in for me to make my birthday unfun this year. Scott missed birthday #24 (Afghanistan), #25 (Air Assault school in Georgia), and #26 (Afghanistan).
So, if you do the math, I've spent 3 birthdays by myself in Alaska.
I ordered myself a birthday present online
(a purse, of course) and made Scott wrap it. He got me something else too
(that thing he bought back when he thought my birthday was January 5th), but I'll open that later.
I haven't decided what I want to eat for dinner yet. Or, in my case, what Scott will eat for dinner. I'll probably celebrate by eating ice cream and drinking tequila.
I decided I'd treat you to some facts about me. For my
27th 23rd birthday and all.
1. I am a lush for meltiness. I would rather eat
this than anything else in the entire world.
(chocolate+peanut butter+marshmallow)
2. I love toast. I'm convinced I should be English so I can eat toast, jam, and tea everyday.
I hate air travel. Or bus travel. Or train travel. Road trips are my preferred method of transportation.
I hate jeans.
5. When I am sick, I do not like to be touched. In fact, when I get a cold, you're better off just locking me in a room by myself for a few days. With a cocktail of (legal) drugs.
6. I have a
7. I am such an introvert. I get moreso with age.
8. I don't like animal smells. I grew up with no pets, so I automatically notice if there's a pet around
(I know y'all love your pets. Maybe someday I'll be like you.)
9. I don't like puns. When I see puns on Pinterest, I cringe.
How can anyone think a pun is funny?
10. My favorite author is Laura Ingalls Wilder.
11. I have legitimate issues when it comes to telling "left" from "right". I'm not sure why this part of my brain doesn't work. When I give directions as a passenger in a car, I just point and say, "That way".
12. I love purses the way some girls love shoes. My
D&B and
Lucky Brand are my favorites.
13. The only seafood I'll eat is:
crab cakes, shrimp, and halibut (if it's prepared the right way). Fried haddock is also okay.
14. I've never smoked a cigarette.
15. My back-up plan in life is to become a tour guide at the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum.
16. Meatloaf is my least favorite food. Tuna and salmon are close seconds.
Strawberry margaritas are my drink of choice, but I also love me some Yellowtail Moscato.
18. It took me 3 tries to pass my drivers' test.
19. I need 8-10 hours of sleep a night in order to be a happy camper. If I go to bed later than 10:30 and know I have to get up early, I'll be very (very) cranky.
20. I need to be early for the movies. I can't ever be on time or, heaven forbid, late. I must have optimal seating and I need to see ALL previews.
21. Actually, I have issues with punctuality. I'm the person who is always 28 minutes early.
22. I often lose my car in parking lots. I have to intentionally tell myself "Okay, you're in row 8, about 10 cars back" in order to be able to find the car when I come out of the store. For this reason, I often park in the same spots at places I frequent.
23. After #11, #18, and #22, you might be questioning my intelligence. I'd like to have an IQ test done.
24. I'm really good at Jeopardy. Scott and I used to watch it together, and I usually got about 75% of the questions right. He looked at me once and said, "How are you
only an elementary teacher?". Then he realized I didn't know my left from my right. That's why I'm an elementary teacher.
25. If you read this blog at all, you know I'm addicted to t.v.:
Dexter, True Blood, Mad Men, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead.
I am convinced I wouldn't have survived this last deployment without my favorite t.v. shows to keep me company and occupy my mind.
26. I'm more of a t.v. person than a movie person, but my favorite movies are probably
Inglorious Basterds and
27. I can't stand clutter. I put things away like it's my job. For this reason, we lose a lot of stuff in this house.
And if you made it to the end of this post, you deserve a prize. One lucky person will get themselves some Starbucks. Let's call it my random act of kindness for the week. My birthday = free coffee* for you. Good luck!
*or tea..I don't judge
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