January 20, 2013

Let's Talk

..about this.

Actually, let's not.  Because I like you and I don't want you to hate on me when I start stringing swear words together.  

Boots:  Steve Madden // Sweater:  Target // Scarf: Land's End //
Skirt:  Base exchange // Jeggings: JCP // Purse:  Longchamp (large, in Billberry)

I don't like snow.

Let's talk:
...about how I can't deal with Taylor Swift anymore.  I just can't. Scott told me (he told ME) last week, "She broke up with her boyfriend again.  I heard it on the radio."
What is WRONG with her?  And all of her songs sound alike and I just can't deal with it.  She's gone the way of Carrie Underwood in my book (I turn the radio off when she comes on. Silence is better than "trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble....trouble, trouble, trouble...TROUBLE").

...about how I highlighted my hair last week, and NO ONE around here even noticed.  Also, no one complimented my heart sweater, nor my new watch.  Wait, a child complimented the watch.  He's also the only child who asked me how my vacation was and insinuated he was glad I was back.  (I say "insinuated" because he didn't actually say it.  However, the others didn't even insinuate.)

...about how Scott made plans for us to go out to dinner the other night.  With people I've never met.  My reaction was, of course:

But man, I really like pizza.  So I went.  It was awful and yummy at the same time.

Sharing at Mingle Monday


  1. Ha! Men, they just don't get it. My husband did that to me this weekend. I only had one night off from work and he wanted to go to another Marine's house for a party. (Mind you the 1st and last time I went to a party, I left early and picked my husband up later that night)... oh yeah, and it was the same "host". I got off the hook though, he decided that he didn't want to go last minute.

  2. You crack me up. The amount of snow in your pictures is just awful...I cant stand snow so I have no idea how you can live in Alaska!

  3. Cute skirt. Also, I have been totally over Taylor Swift for a long, long time. In fact, the song of hers that I DO like is her very first one. In my opinion, it's been a downhill slide since then. Finally, way too much snow.

  4. I can't stand Taylor Swift. Or snow. I'm sorry you are standing in it. :-\

  5. that last one made me laugh. At least you have a really cute outfit on - LOVE that skirt! I get mad when people don't compliment things I make either. but then when they ask - did you make that? I worry that it looks too much like I made it!

  6. I want to punch Taylor Swift in the throat, I just can't handle her.

  7. AHHHH! That snow is awful! But at the same time, I love that you took pictures in it. I'm so glad we don't have that much snow here. Any show is bad in my book.
    And your newly highlighted hair looks lovely! Though, theoretically, I think the idea of getting your hair highlighted is that if the stylist does a good job, it won't be noticeably fake and people might think your hair is just like that because of the sun. But I want compliments, and that's why I color my hair blue. Nobody's going to think that's natural. :P

  8. This is just too cute. It makes me want to go shopping. Also, yes...I thought Carrie Underwood had so much potential, but I don't like any of her songs anymore. They're all the same and definitely not the country I'd enjoy listening to.

  9. Brr cold up there! I haven't been in snow like that for years...

  10. Considering I live by the beach and would love to see some snow every now and then just so I can play in it for like 30 mins, that is way too much snow for me! I would be miserable too! I too am also way over Taylor Swift! It's like she goes out with guys just to write songs so she can make money! Maybe she should start writing songs about how she's the problem!

  11. This is going to sound absolutely strange, but I wish we had snow right now. I am so sick to death of 42-45 degrees and rain. It's basically been the same weather here since it stopped snowing last May and I'm ridiculously sick of it. SO sick of it. I know you know the feeling - trapped. No sun. Still dark when I go to work and dark when I go home. I'm about ready to pack up and move to the equator.

  12. OMG there is 2 feet of snow on your deck. !!!!!

    And it's when I read posts like this I'm glad my husband is a loner...

  13. I like TSwift's country songs, from forever ago but her new stuff is annoying. And catchy. The worst combination.

  14. I'm liking the Longchamp! :) And of course the rest of your outfit. I guess it's okay to go barrel through snow for a couple of days over Ski break but having deal with that every day? I'm sorry. I completely agree with you about Taylor Swift.

  15. I was wondering if it was ever going to snow in Alaska....lol

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit! Can I have it? ;)

    I'm tired of Taylor Swift, too. Her "humbleness" is irritating.

  16. Oh my goodness I am from Queensland Australia so that snow looks like absolute magic! I can't imagine what it would be like to live in it though!
    But it still looks ridiculously amazing! Your outfit is beautiful!

  17. That is too much snow!

    I would have noticed the fab hair and new accessories!


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