October 4, 2023

Currently in October.

Loving. Having two dogs again. We dog-sat over the summer and as much as we have considered getting a puppy in recent months, having two dogs is our best fit now. Especially if they're both relatively healthy and understand how routines work. I will say that the doggy door is the best decision we ever made. They have total freedom. 

We got these dog beds from Amazon. 

Excited About. October. I always loved August in Alaska and September is a good month in general in parts of the country. Howeverrrrrrr, in this particular place, September is too too (too) hot. The only place to feel "fall" in Missouri is in October. 

Watching. Love is Blind. I will always watch each new season.The first season of The Ultimatum was good but not so much since. LIB is different. It's always good for some awful reason. Anyway, trash TV passes the time. In addition, NFL football, sometimes college football if I can find the Penn State games.

Last night, we also stayed up way too late watching Reptile on Netflix. Cannot recommend it enough if you like crime/thriller movies. 


I love seeing what Sutton brings home from "school". I have a hack for school papers. Everything from both kids goes into a drawer. Like, ALL papers. I look at them, I don't sort them, they all go into the drawer. That way if I need something, I know where it is without spending the time to organize anything. However at the end of each quarter, I throw away everything in the drawer. It's a great system. If there's something I really want to save, I'll put it somewhere else that this point. This was a "decide once" choice. I've been doing this since Wells started preschool. 

Observing. We had a rough week. And a rough week before that. Scott often talks about getting stationed in Florida, which I'd be on board with in the way that I would (have to) accept warm weather all year. However, in southern Missouri, I feel like this is uncalled for:

Linking up with Currently!

ICYMI: Amazon Lately. 

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