July 26, 2024

Friday recommendations, 7/26

1. I got Wells a Herschel backpack last year (on sale) and I love it so much (he's indifferent and would prefer Pokemon but idc). This year, I got Sutton one (again, on sale). She can wear it to daycare and it'll last her through preschool too. I sent my diaper bag backpack to daycare last year but the zipper broke in like February and I finally threw it away in May. This year, she gets her own bag. She adores it and takes it everywhere with her. 

I'm not seeing a whole lot on sale at this moment but it's worth bookmarking and tracking the price. I paid about $30 for each of ours. Also, I checked: they are no cheaper on Amazon and the Herschel website has a better selection. 

2. I got this spray for Sutton initially to just have something to comb through her hair in the morning. I ended up using almost the whole bottle myself. It's so great for detangling and it adds a softness and shine. No weird build-up or perfume-y scent. Extremely affordable too! I saw someone post a $40+ detangling spray that's "so great"(which is what sent me on the hunt for one in the first place). I don't know that I can believe that. 

3. I didn't mention it, but I was influenced into a Pura a few months ago. I love it. I'm not a candle fan and, while I went the oil/water diffuser route for a few years, the humidity created by the water throws off my air purifiers. 

Anyway, the Pura hooks up to wi-fi, plugs into the wall, and you control it with your phone. You also change out the vials based on the app. It tells you how much time is left in a vial, sets timers for use, etc. I used Salt up first and it was 100 hours. I used Lavender for a bit, then swapped it for Almafi Lemon and Mint, and then I switched in Grapefruit. Grapefruit is probably my favorite. 

4. I wish I had a book or a show to really recommend but things have been stagnant on that front. I do have this recipe I made last night: I've been making it since 2013 and it's a great way to use up zucchini from your garden. I do the gnocchi in the air fryer these days. 

July 25, 2024

Coffee Talk (VENTI-ing)

*I don't think I'm a fan of the SLAM organization. #1, it's clique-y (as are most military wife organizations though). #2, it stands for Sweat Like A Mother. Basically, it's moms working out in local parks with their kids there. I always saw it as something I couldn't be a part of when I didn't have kids. Again, clique-y. #3, your kids are there. I always see pictures of well-behaved toddlers in strollers or whatever. LOL. Mine would NEVER. My kids have always been good in strollers but not just sitting there. Not in a million years. As newborns, sure. But no. The utter distraction would be so bad for my morale. Paying for group fitness classes at a gym where I could drop them off in childcare would be my dream. Since that doesn't exist (military base gyms do not offer and have never offered childcare :), SLAM was developed so you never have to leave your child's side for even a second. #4, it's just as expensive to join as a gym. I can do workouts at home and be distracted and not frustrated in public for free. I can't think of much worse than hauling two small and potentially disagreeable children, snacks, toys, strollers, wagons, water, WEIGHTS (it's b.y.o.w), and whatever else to an outdoor(!) workout class...in Missouri, in the summer.

It's also really funny because I made a friend here and she said she's had trouble making friends because they all go to SLAM and that's how they hang out and I was like I cannot get out the door in time for a 9am workout class in the summer. And she was like 9am?! and that's how I knew we'd get along. If I'm going to meet her anywhere, we go to "around noon" activities. That's my summer personality. We met at the park at like 11am the other day and she was like It's nice to be out early. << That is what I look for in a friend in the summer. 

*I follow several bloggers who consume a lot in terms of buying. I buy a lot too, I feel, but following these people makes me feel better about my own habits. For example, one said she owns this in three colors because it's JUST SO GREAT

It's a $150 Lululemon jacket. THREE OF THEM. I can't even fathom that amount of excess from a so-called normal mom. She also said she gifts a $300 blanket to people when they move into a new house. I could never. 

*My fitbit doesn't track steps when I'm pushing the stroller. 

*Wells bought this egg thing with his birthday money. Immediate regret. It came with slime and foam and sand. Not just one. All three. 

They come in all styles, shapes, sizes, and colors. Do not buy one, ever.

July 24, 2024

Meet Maverick!

Maverick (Mav) has been with us for about a week and a half now. He's almost 10 weeks old and is a Brittany. He came from the same breeder/kennel as Scout. His full name is Cross Creek Maverick but his call name is Mav because of the one syllable. 

(This does not mean Scout likes him and this definitely doesn't mean Jett likes him but he's a very sweet little guy. He's eager to play and eager to please. They are all slowly warming up to each other.)

As far as being a puppy goes, he's a good one! He's better than Scout was and miles better than Jett (I sweat just thinking about puppy Jett). We had gotten Scout at 6 weeks old and I think he developed some unhealthy attachments and anxiety because of it. So far Mav is just anxious about when it's time to eat. 

He loves his crate, he generally lets us know when he has to go outside, and he's so snuggly. I forgot how puppies can't walk on leashes and can't sit or stay or lay down. I'm used to talking to grown-up dogs. I also forgot how much puppies need to nap and how they're always trying to unalive themselves by eating whatever they find. I'd also forgotten how much puppies love toys; our dogs lost interest in toys totally by age 2 and just wanted to be outside running and chasing rabbits and digging holes in Colorado. We've accumulated a lot of dog toys over the last week or so and I've pulled out all the other toys I had stuffed away. 

Mav is certainly my little shadow right now and follows me everywhere. Wells loves him and so does Sutton but he gets a little too close to her for comfort, right at her eye level. 

I'm keeping track of his age in the same way I did with Scout. They have birthdays the same week in May so he'll be at the same stages of development through the seasons. 

Scott took him to the gun range after we'd had him for a day and this is how bothered he was by hundreds of shots going off at once:

(a shoe he should definitely not have)

What he spends most of his time doing. 

July 22, 2024

6 Years of Wells!

Wells turned 6 on the 10th. 

The last two years, especially, have flown by now that he's been in school. 

Wells enjoys Pokemon, school, riding his scooter, being outside with Scott, going anywhere with Scott, riding in the UTV, swimming, splash pads, playgrounds, and making friends with anyone and everyone he meets at pools, splash pads, and playgrounds. He likes to shop for toys with his own money and he will do anything for some time to watch Youtube. He loves Sutton and he loves his Nannies and Paps so much. 

Wells exceeded my expectations in his two years of preschool and he continued to do so in kindergarten. I'm not saying I've never worked with him, but I don't push him. He was tested for the gifted program this past year. I'm excited for him to go to first grade. He told me he doesn't need to go back to school because he's already learned everything. Yeah, me too, Wells. 

(Sutton is filling up a shopping bag with whatever she finds that she likes)

Outsourced the cake this year...he wanted Pokemon again and once was enough for me. 

On his actual birthday, we ate at Cracker Barrel, went to the army museum, and then opened presents and had cake. On the weekend, we went to the aquarium at Bass Pro. He did get to spend the whole week with Nanny and Pap. 

Wells was kind enough to buy her that baby doll with his birthday money.

In case you've been following along and keeping track, Wells has had FOUR birthdays in this house now: three, four, five, and six. Two was in Kansas and one was in Pittsburgh.  

                        Four birthdays in one house is definitely a record for us. 

July 5, 2024

Friday Recommendations, 7/5

1. Presumed Innocent.  Super interesting and holds our attention. Lots of guessing about what's going to happen next. There's 5 episodes up on Apple TV right now so now it's week-to-week for me, every new episode coming out on Wednesdays. 

2. Basically any book I posted yesterday. All perfect for beach-reading or summer reading in general!

3. We watched two movies this week. A Simple Favor and A Family Affair. The first was good; I'd never read the book. Great cast. The second: we will watch anything with Zac Efron because I just think he's so funny. Have you seen Neighbors? There's a bonus recommendation for you. Hilarious. He's definitely a comedic actor. 

4. I made these brownies yesterday. I used red and blue sprinkles for decorations. The single easiest recipe for a baked dessert that you may ever come across. I've been making them for well over a dozen years. 


We've made it to the halfway point of summer. 

July 4, 2024

June Books.

Summer is always when I do the most reading, so I have lots of my favorite authors to share with you from June. Since it's also halfway through the year, I'm 2/3 of the way to my goal of 36 books. I will, no doubt, get overzealous and up it to 50 (if previous years tell me anything) and be scrambling in December to finish. 

First, when I look back at my May books post, I can tell you that I did not finish Expiration Dates and I didn't get very far in Here One Moment. I do poorly with predictable rom-coms (though I loved In Five Years because it was so sad) and Liane Moriarity has turned so bland and unappealing to me. Reading her is like walking through a department store or something when you're not interested in buying anything. I actually disliked Apples Never Fall so much that I couldn't finish it. And using Nicole Kidman in that Nine Perfect Strangers series was ridiculous. I barely finished that book and watched like 20 minutes of episode one. Anyway, all that to say I am disappointed to admit that I didn't get far in her newest book and I don't care. I would say that Big Little Lies was an anomaly but The Husband's Secret and What Alice Forgot were fantastic too. 

If you want to about an anomalous crowning achievement, let's look at The Girl on the Train....I don't think Paula Hawkins ever wrote anything I finished after that. 

But what I did read this month...

Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth This was a bit triggering in so many ways. I found it to be not for the faint of heart. I'm not going to say much because anything can be considered a spoiler in this book. It was good, for sure, but it was different. I didn't love the ending. It seemed rushed and like justice was just out of reach. 3 STARS. 

She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica There is a huge twist in this book and I did not see it coming at all and I actually went back and re-read a page to make sure I was seeing what I was actually seeing with my own two eyes and did my brain comprehend it? I will say I spent the first half of the book thinking how dumb the main character was. The ending left a few possibilities open, I remember, which I found interesting. 5 STARS

The Housemaid is Watching by Freida McFadden The third book in the series, I definitely had this one preordered. I would say the beginning was really slow. It's quite the time jump from book #2 so it took some time for me to figure out what was going on but I would say it picked up at the end. Not as good as the first two books, though. 3 STARS

The Next Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine I really could not put down the first book several years ago. I distinctly remember bouncing newborn Wells in his bouncer with one hand and reading a hardcopy of The Last Mrs. Parrish from the library with the other hand. I did read The First Shot prequel novella two years ago and that is required reading for this sequel, as a warning. Go find it somewhere. It's free on Kindle Unlimited. 
Anyway, this sequel didn't compare to the original. No real twists; I couldn't figure out what I disliked most though: how incredibly dumb Daphne was, how annoying Daisy Ann was, or how cold Amber was. 3 STARS. 

Everywhere You Look by Liv Constantine This was a novella but I'm counting it. I've never read such a smashed together plot in my entire life. It was a Lifetime movie for SURE.  I found it on Audible randomly (or rather, the algorithm found me after I finished The Next Mrs. Parrish). I regret every second of it but it was free. If you are a fan of The Last Thing He Told Me (I was not), you'll like this.

Bye, Baby by Carola Lovering I avoided this for months because I thought it was about a kidnapped baby. It's really not. That's the plot point that the story centers around but it's not about a kidnapped baby. It's about two friends whose lives take different paths after college. I love all the details and the characters and how the season of fall is almost like a character in the story. I really just enjoy her writing so I should've read this sooner for sure. 5 STARS.

I'm in the middle of a few non-fiction books but I move so slowly through those...ridiculously slowly. Up next for me though with fiction is the new Beatriz Williams, another author I wait for that summer release from each year. (Did anyone else notice that Taylor Jenkins Reid didn't release a new book this year???). 

Linking up for Share Your Shelf!

July 2, 2024

Two guilty pleasures.

1. Politics. I ride an adrenaline high on election nights. It's the weirdest thing. I picked up this hobby of following politics around 2016, but I always paid attention from about 2000 on. I remember following 2012 pretty closely on Twitter. With podcasts and live coverage and tracking of the electoral map, I really went for it in 2018, 2020, and 2022. It's like an actual hobby. On debate night last week, the season started. 

2. I love Nordstrom Anniversary Sale season. It's funny because I don't have an N card and I don't buy from the sale. But I love seeing what other people are buying and I love reading the lamenting about how quality has gone so far downhill. That being said, here's what I would want if I were shopping the sale (no affiliate links here)...

All Saints Tote (though if I had the access and unlimited funds to spend on bags at this second, I'd get the leather one)

SuperGoop pack

Treasure and Bond Knit Top

Free People Sweatshirt

Hourglass Blush (I have this and love it, so I would like the mix of colors to play around with instead of a single palette.)

Zella Pocket Joggers

This is the literal definition of window shopping here because I can't buy any of these things anyway! They'll all be gone by August when the sale opens up to everyone. I could see splurging on that nylon All Saints bag post-sale though. 

Do you shop the N Sale? Do you...follow politics?