December 31, 2020

Christmas Travels 2020 Part 2

*I don't know that explanations are ever needed for decisions made and the risks people assume in the time of covid. However, I know many people have decided to hunker down and spend the holidays away from family and friends. For us, especially being military, we are accustomed to spending holidays on our own. This time, our leave was approved and we took it. The military made adjustments to their schedules to allow families to travel. In our case, we were planning on traveling. This is where I add that Scott's dad is in pretty poor health right now and this was likely our last chance to take Wells to see him. Risk assumed and risk taken. If you chose to spend this holiday with your immediate family, that's fine too! We've had more than one of those Christmases. Our norm is holidays with just us so hopefully some of you learned that's it's fun to create your own traditions. I actually really enjoy doing that too. Every year is different and this year was different as well.*


The dogs sat by the door in sheer panic every time Scott went outside. 

My parents fed him so many cookies.

Checking out his uncle's police car... 

...while clutching a toy police car. Right now, Wells is super into police cars and excavators. 

Wells' vehicle tour continues. 
When we left my parents' house, he said "goodbye red truck!" to my dad's truck. 

First time sledding and first time being pulled by a sled dog (Jett).

Obviously this isn't every picture, but it's a summed up version of our time in PA. 

Oh. And Scout on my mom's new chair. His favorite spot is normally my dad's chair. I applaud my mom for accommodating this dog and his whims.

And then, on the way home, we had to switch out a truck tire and the dogs looked on in great concern. 

So did Wells. I rehydrated. I never drink enough water when we travel. 
(I applaud Scott and his technical and mechanical abilities to no end.)

Cracker Barrel in a hotel room. 

We have one more Christmas to do this weekend. 


  1. We still have 2 Christmases - not sure how / when we'll get to them - but it always freaks me out to see gifts around the home :)
    I now want to be pulled by dogs in snow

  2. I’m sorry about Scott’s Dad. You got to see lots of snow! Did you find it hard to find dog friendly hotels? We did a Drury In. Once with Ernie.

    1. Thanks. And yes, it's always freezing and snowy when we visit PA from out of state. 3 years ago, it was almost too cold to even walk the dogs. Ugh.
      We stayed at a La Quinta this time. It's actually not too difficult, I've found!

  3. You are right, you should never have to explain why you're doing this or that with him or her. I've dealt with that a lot in 2020 but I came to realize that the people always questioning it were just upset that we weren't with them. I've gotten over it pretty fast.

    I have an issue staying hydrated while traveling too and this makes me laugh because you're in PA and that's the one state I got laughed at inside a CVS in downtown Pitts buying a bunch of water bottles for the hotel room. She was like "do you all like water that much?" and I said "do you not?" and her expression was priceless!


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