June 1, 2017

Discontinuation and Things. 6/1

So I'm going to discontinue Stuff and Things (for like the third time). I could go on and on about thoughts and reasons, but here's the rationale:

1. Link-ups are great but there's few that I do regularly. Back in the heyday of all things community-driven in blogging (2012?), it was awesome to have a link-up for every day of the week. Now, not so much. And I'm good with that. I can post my own stuff and things on Thursdays if I want without hosting a link-up.

2. I'm not sure when this came about as the thing to do, but I've noticed that people tend to link up without actually linking back. Motives aside, that's just lazy. It's a pet peeve of mine now and I've come to look for it on all link-ups I participate in, just to see if it's happening everywhere and it does sometimes.  It's like a student not putting a name on their paper...it takes 20 seconds. I don't think anyone is being purposefully inconsiderate; I do think that "hey maybe they linked up by mistake" when I don't see a mention of the link-up at the bottom of their post.

3. I think I would blog more if I didn't feel held to a schedule that revolved around Thursdays. I generally attempt a M-T-Th-F posting schedule. I have a lot on my plate at the moment so this link-up isn't something I plan on promoting or growing...so it likely needs to be removed from said plate.

4. I do want to thank the loyal bloggers and friends who have linked up regularly for the last few years. Even if I'm not providing a link, keep writing random Thursday posts because they're my favorite to read :)

So, anyway. This will be the last Stuff and Things link-up. I'll likely keep posting my own lists most weeks.

Stuff, Things, etc.

1. Who is watching The Bachelorette? Rachel and her dog: I'm in love. And Peter and the dog. I'm pretty sure I cried when Peter was dancing with Copper. This is game over. Cancel the rest of the season.

2.  I'm going in to clean up my classroom today. Should be fun. My kind and thoughtful teammate already did all of the dirty work but I need to make sure things are in order before summer school starts next week (I'm not teaching but they'll be using my room).

3. I don't understand this cake. Like, WHY does it feel the need to be named what it's named? Is this Pinterest-bait? This is 110% just for attention, right? Someone trying to be extra-cooler than the other food bloggers? Someone retweeted it yesterday and then it popped up on Pinterest and I clicked just to see if there was a justification for the name. I found none. No one is denying the existence of the brookie...it's a thing, I know. But this is, hands down, the dumbest click-bait I've seen on the internet lately. (And I've spent a lot of time on the internet lately.)

4. Yesterday, I did the dishes for the first time since Sunday (just thought I'd share).

5. Yesterday, I got dressed for the first time since Friday, May 19th. That was a pretty solid effort on my part, to keep t-shirts and pajama shorts going for as long as possible.

Mostly because I wanted to wear my new sandals. Target.

What's New With You


  1. I had to check out the said cake and I agree about the name. I just think some other words would have sufficed just fine, something like "sinful" or even "easy." Glad to hear that you're on the mend. Congrats on getting dressed! LOL! Good luck cleaning your classroom; i know all too well what a chore that can be.

  2. I have the same sandals. I love them. I feel ya on link-ups. I think just you posting your own S+T is still good! I enjoy your random thoughts

  3. So I haven't gotten into the bachelorette this season. Not sure why but I still need to watch the first 2 episodes. I am, however, doing good at guessing what is happening with playing that fantasy league with a group of friends. That's fun ;)

  4. #2. We get that sometimes with SUYB and it makes me crazy.

  5. That is such a weird name for a cake and I don't get it. I think it's for attention.

    1. I think most food (exclusive) bloggers only do things for attention.

  6. Super cute outfit and love the sandals. I don't know about the cake you posted and am at work so scared to click it, haha.

    I hear you on link backs. I knew someone who would never link back and it was jus like REALLY????

  7. Such a stupid name for a cake. Huge pet peeve of mine, naming food sexual things...like Better Than Sex cake. Stupid.

    I like your sandals and I love that toenail color! I'm about to bust out my Cajun Shrimp for the summer.

    I think a somewhat regular random/S&T post without the link up is a fine idea. They're always my favorite posts to read but there's no point in pressuring yourself to make it into a link up if you're not enjoying it!

  8. Linkups are so weird. I feel like the work you need to do to get one going isn't worth it, but it's fun to have a topic and a post for the day. I hate non-link backers and the people who can't at least leave a comment. We are having a dishes stalemate at my house right now. It isn't pretty.

  9. I have definitely gotten dressed just to wear new shoes before.

  10. Love those sandals and the shorts!!! Totally understandable with the link up. You do whatever works for you!!!

  11. I'm going to be so sad if she doesnt pick Peter... him holding Copper was EVERYTHING!!!!

  12. Linkup etiquette is serious. It's really put me off them as well, seeing people just not get into the community spirit of the whole thing. I guest hosted a linkup for a couple of months and that was more than enough for me! I think part of me rebels against the schedule as well.

    Anyway. Nice sandals!

  13. I'm sad this is going away, but I understand why. I will definitely keep some kind of random post going. I like having a place to share random thoughts that don't justify an entire post.

  14. I have so many ideas for a linkup, but everything you said is exactly why I probably won't ever do it. It's a lot of work when people don't follow rules or participate or actually blog hop. Oh those glory days of blogging. LOL> I've been eyeing those Target sandals for a while. They're so cute! I want to get the white ones.

  15. I wouldn't make a cake named that. I wouldn't even click it and read it.
    I wouldn't order a cake named that... or any dessert with "slutty" in the name of it.
    That's just not appealing.

  16. aw man. sorry about S&T and sorry i didn't link up one last time. but yes seriously. i am petty and will delete people if they link up with no link back. how hard is it? it's just rude and lazy.
    that cake name is ridiculous. seriously? like.. why? ugh. people need to stop being so annoying.


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