June 26, 2024

WUW: June

Eating: Looking for the easiest possible recipes for summer. No cooking preferred. No baking. No effort. I made taco meat the other day and put it on chips with all the taco fixings. 

Any no-cook ideas? 

Loving: I guess the ability to semi-sleep in, take naps, read, piddle away time however I feel like it? I would love the opportunity to go for walks every day but it's too too hot much of the time. 

Up to: Nothing exciting, really. I'm trying to get a jump on my curriculum planning for the year and I've got LETRS Volume II coming up. I wanted to get as much done this summer as possible so I don't have to do it during the school year. It was a huge stressor last year. 

Dreading: The rest of summer. Gah I hate hot weather. No one likes bitter midwest cold, but the relentless heat is ridiculous with no actual payoff. There's no *benefit* to living in southern Missouri. Zip. Zero. No appeal. I mean, at least if we living near the beach and it was always hot...we'd be on the beach? I don't know. We have the hottest hot in the summer and the nasty wet cold in the winter. One or the other, please. 

Working on: So dumb but I combined both kids' bedrooms into one room and then created a playroom for all the toys. This lasted one week and then I realized they were never going to actually sleep again. So I spent an entire day, then, putting everything back. And now, they are sleeping better again. What a waste of energy, right? But I had to see if it would work, for my own peace of mind. The one good thing that came out of it was that I really sorted the toys and threw away a ton (did not ask questions, did not hesitate, two bags into the trash, gone) and I cleaned their rooms and I moved all the toys into their rooms and out of the living room. Small wins. 

Reading: A lot actually! I just finished The Next Mrs. Parrish. I didn't love-love it but it was fine. I couldn't decide who I hated more: annoying Daisy Ann or dumb Daphne. You absolutely have to read The First Shot (the prequel to The Last Mrs. Parrish) to understand this book. Again, Daisy Ann is really annoying and I disliked her a lot. And Daphne was so, so dumb. 

Watching: We are watching Mayor of Kingstown every week (cannot recommend it enough) and we finished Your Honor (also recommend!) on Netflix. I started DCC America's Sweethearts. I used to love the DCC show on CMT. We're watching Under the Bridge on Hulu. I saw an ad for it on a news article online and we started it that night. Advertising works, you know? Also, The Bachelor starts July 8th if you need something mindless. 

Listening to: I've been digging into the theory of The Knowledge Deficit lately and I started this book yesterday. I have so many thoughts. 

Otherwise, I'm listening to either Daniel Tiger or DannyGo in the background. 

Wearing: Just like the same 3 pairs of shorts and 3 shirts every day. 

This weekend: ....I don't know? Also, I'm potty training a 2 year old so our days are ...long. Jett should get his stitches out this week though and is off his meds now so maybe I won't need to watch him so much. The good news is that the mass he had was a grade 1 so unlikely to spread and re-occur. But apparently the margins weren't the clearest they could be so they offered us radiation if we want it (for $8,000 :) but said we can just watch for reoccurrence otherwise. 
^ Honestly, Sutton and Jett have taken up "June" so entirely that I have no idea what to do with July. (though, Sutton takes up whatever you are willing to allow...like water, she fills the void :)))

Next month: Wells' birthday, my parents are visiting, and we have big plans to get a puppy. So, there we go, filling in the voids some more. 

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