April 8, 2020

April Goals.


Does anyone feel this way when they think about goal-setting in April?

Let's first reflect back on March...

I did decorate for Easter. I did give myself a pedicure, but now I need another one. I did 2 out of 3 birthday gifts but none have been delivered because, well, you know. I have continued working on the packing of boxes in the basement.

But thinking about April...

1. Take bags to Goodwill.

2. Pack-up Easter.

3. Finish the 3 books on my nightstand (this probably won't happen but I can hope I get suddenly motivated to read)

4. Another at-home pedicure.

5. Track home workouts and keep up with Bible-reading plan. - - These are the two things that give my days at home a structure and a feeling of at least I'm doing something.

What goals are you setting for April???

1 comment:

  1. Putting together a donations box and reading are on my list too. I should probably do an at-home pedi since it's almost sandal season here and I despise naked toes! I was in a reading slump before this quarantine business but a few library e-holds became available, so I'm reading those (even though I have more than enough to read on my physical bookshelf...oops). What books are you reading?


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