June 14, 2018

(Moving) Stuff and Things

I feel like I've done so many posts like this before...I mean, just search "moving" on this blog and there you'll have the information on the 5 moves we've done (all but one was a DIY move) in the last 9 years. (And by this time next year, it'll have been 6 moves.)

The logistics of this particular move have been difficult because a big part of it is condensing and sorting kitchen and bathroom things and furniture that Scott has been using in Wyoming versus what we've had in Colorado. I found this egg poacher in a drawer (we have some limited kitchen storage in Wyoming) and I asked if he used it:

He said yes. I said okay. He said The dogs drink milk out of it sometimes.

That doesn't count (right?). 

+Scott initially took our older Keurig with him to Wyoming. It'd been in his office on base, and I'd had a traumatic experience ("traumatic" used loosely) back when we got a new one. The more time I spent in Wyoming, the more I realized how much better I liked the old Keurig (from 2011). It works so much BETTER. It holds more water. It heats up more quickly. It brews more efficiently. Therefore, we will keep the old Keurig out for use and put the new one away for now. Sure, it's not as pretty, but form and function go a long way in this case. 

+An acquaintance of Scott's gave us a pillow as a housewarming gift. It's red, white, blue and has a buffalo on it so it's very Wyoming-ish. Thoughtful? Sure. 

Jett is terrified of it. He barks at it and runs away from it. He's kind of a baby (Scott called him an 'idiot and a baby' once, and it's the perfect description, really, but I think he's just too smart for us when it really comes down to it.) 

Scout doesn't even notice the pillow. 

Even after I put it in a giant storage tub, Jett would bark at the box and sniff around it suspiciously. 

Into the storage unit it goes. Hope this coworker never comes over for dinner.

+Centurylink has been a nightmare to deal with lately. I called a few weeks ago to have the internet service shut-off at our Colorado house scheduled for this week. Over the weekend, I started thinking that I didn't know how I would get the return label for our modem (it wasn't emailed to me) so I decided I would ask how I was getting it. The chat specialist tried to tell me that service had never existed at my house and then she just closed out the chat before I could even respond.

I called on Monday morning and spoke with a very competent individual named Roberto who actually answered my question, so I appreciate that. 

+Most days, I've noticed that daily life revolves around dog walks for me. So not much has changed over the last few summers. The biggest change is that I drive them 2-5 minutes (depending) to the nearest trail or park, instead of just heading out to the field. I could surely walk them to a few of these trails but putting them on a leash and crossing roads is stressful when I can't really run to keep up with them. And/or, it's just a lot of extra work. It's easier to throw them in the back of the RAV4. 

Now, this set-up will change when we put in the carseat (and then we'll just use the truck to transport the dogs, mostly, because I doubt I'll be taking dogs + baby anywhere by myself), but if you have a small SUV, put the seats down in the back, put up one of these fancy barriers (similar to what I have and your dog will hate you forever, promise), and put a fitted sheet over the flat seat backs. This does wonders for cleanliness. 
And after 5 moves in 9ish years, we have no shortage of extra bedding and fitted sheets. 

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