March 23, 2017

S&T 3/23 (It's almost spring break)

+If you search for "unmotivational quotes" on Pinterest, it's a gold mine. 

+I spent this whole week (which is somehow still not over) thinking we were one day ahead of where we actually were. 

+Because this is real life. 

+The bottom half of my bracket (see below) actually looks better than the top half. 
I know that will be hard to believe. 

+Spring break next week. I'm thinking a massage, a pedicure, and finishing one (or ideally all) of those books I'm reading. 

Stuff, Things, etc.


  1. this has been one long week so I get that Tuesday meme. I thought yesterday was Friday so imagine how defeated I felt when I realized it was only Wednesday and I had two more days!

  2. I need to remember the door meme. It's been a discouraging week. Good for you spring break is coming up. We still have three weeks.

  3. I've been thinking that it's a day ahead all week too. It's finally Thursday. It should be Friday.

  4. LOL at the rock-paper-scissors. It's been a long week here too. It's probably feeling longer for you with spring break on the horizon!!!

  5. It is impossible to care less about March Madness than I do but every year my husband and I fill out a bracket. I do it to prove you don't need to know anything about college basketball to win and I think right now, I'm winning. #theoryproved

  6. I laughed out loud at the rock paper scissors one haha!

  7. I love the door one. I'll think of that now when people give that, a window is open theory

  8. Omg, I love that Rock Paper Scissors image. Too funny! Yay for spring break coming up. I got an unplanned pedicure this week and it was amazinggg.


  9. I had big plans for spring break...Yeah did nothing, ha!

  10. My brackets are like giant cemeteries of loss. LOL

  11. I talk to Bo like that all the time. The other day, I said "STOP WHINING" to him then got annoyed that he didn't listen. Ha.


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