August 22, 2016

Making time to read is hard.

I went to get a pedicure yesterday. The day before, I'd gone to the library in hopes of finding something on my TBR list because I've not been reading at all this month. I do this thing when I'm stressed out...I don't read.

I don't read to relax; I have to already be relaxed in order to want to sit around reading. It's a weird quirk.

Then I thought, Hey, I'm going to get a pedicure, so I'll take one of the books I managed to find at the library (the "new" fiction section had some of the same books it held in the summer of 2015...if you need a point of reference concerning this library).

I mean, people sit there and stare at their phones and at magazines..why not a book? Do you do this? It seemed like a productive use of time and all.

Also, many thoughts on the book Tempting Fate by Jane Green.


  1. I always try to either read a book or listen to an audiobook when waiting. I've had a low, low reading month so far - I'm still working on the same audiobook I started the month with! I'm blaming it on the Olympics... Have a great week!

  2. I'm very much a multi-tasker when it comes to reading--I read while keeping an eye on the kids at the park, while eating breakfast, while riding in the car, occasionally with a book in one hand, stirring the dinner in the stove on the other hand...relaxed, dedicated time to just sit and read is obviously more fun but the books draw me like magnets regardless of whether there is time for them, so I read at weird times.

  3. I'm always the only one in the hair salon with a book. Everyone else is doing the phone thing. I look forward to my book time there.

  4. I don't read when I'm stressed out, either. My brain has to be too involved in reading and when I'm stressed or tired, I just want to watch some mindless Netflix. I have not, however, ever been able to take a book (or magazine, or look at my phone) while getting a haircut, etc. I feel rude not talking to the person for some reason.

  5. I think it's smart to take a book, I will have to start doing this.

  6. I always have a book with me no matter where I go, so I definitely use pedicures as time to read.

  7. I'm trying to read more and use the phone less but it is tough. I mostly get my reading done in bed now before going to sleep.

  8. I definitely read when I get pedicures. Even when I get manicures, even though it annoys the nail technician.

  9. i try and read when i get pedicures, but sometimes the people talk to me and i feel rude lol. i use the kindle app on my phone a lot, because people tend to leave me alone when i'm looking at my phone, but they will interrupt me when i have a book. weird, right? i am with you on not reading when i'm stressed out. i can't concentrate on a book if i am stressed or anxious or whatever. like when i fly, i just open a book and stare at it while we take off and land, but i can't actually read. when it's less bumpy, i can read haha. but at home if i am worried about something, i pace and i can't read when i pace ;)

  10. I have gotten to the point where I do take a book along with me to places...especially the doctor's office. I know there will usually be a long wait, so why not read while I'm there?? It isn't any different, in my opinion, than being on your phone or looking at one of their (usually outdated) magazines! :)


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