Stroller fan. I had this sudden thought I bet she's warm in there as we were at the pool on a 95 degree day last week. I quickly added to cart and swiped to buy this. I've been pushing my own physical limits when it comes to being outside in the heat lately. She might as well be more comfortable.
I've got a lot of teaching goodies to share here; much of what I ordered for my classroom in the fall already (those purchase orders were due early so I grabbed the necessities) and then a few things we got.
I am getting this spelling workbook and this grammar workbook. I get to kind of create my own spelling curriculum. At my last school, I didn't do spelling at all because it wasn't graded/expected. But now I know how much kids need spelling practice. This is a great one because it has everything I want on the inside. I would recommend it for homeschooling too. Same with the grammar: I've been using these proofreading paragraphs for about 12 years now, on and off. I can't recommend them enough for real-life application of skills.
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