October 14, 2020

Currently in {October}

Was totally supposed to do this last week and I didn't. Learning that if I don't write posts on the weekends, I don't write posts. So here we are. 

Admiring... trees with red leaves. We've lived in a lot of places where the leaves only turn yellow and that is a weirddddd thing to get used to. Now, the red leaves always catch my attention. 

Going...  out and about each day again. In a perfect world, I would be posting outfit photos on the blog with the details and whatnot but there's not that kind of time in the day at the moment (maybe I'll figure this out again eventually), so here we are:

Making... I'm going to do a full meal-planning post again soon most likely, but I wanted to share a few winners from Pinterest lately.  I 100% use Pinterest for my meal-planning. I have boards. I keep everything in one place. I still scroll back to recipes from 5+ years ago that I have saved on there. It's such a great organization tool.

I have this goal of doing a Soup Sunday each week. I have a board for it and these first two I made are repeats from last year and they are incredibly scrumptious. Sometimes I feel like soup just doesn't deliver on flavor and it's like, what's the point? These are amazing though. 

I did not make a soup this past Sunday because it was 88 degrees and I just couldn't deal with that. If you have favorite soup recipes, let me know! This sounds like a fun winter project right? 

Speaking of organization tools...

Scheduling... I'm not loving the paper planner at the moment. Google Calendar gives me a headache. What do you use?

Wishing... I would wish for normalcy, but I don't think normal is a thing anymore. We're too far gone for normal. So maybe I could just wish that we could have civil discussions again? Whether that's about masks, about politics, or about businesses/schools/life resuming to as normal as possible. 

For example:

If you agree with the following three things, we can be friends: 


  1. I thought thin people could wear the dresses as is so you just made me feel better! The long cardi or my long vests add interest and make it more of an outfit. Or, even a puffer vest with long sleeve dresses. You have really looked cute in October! Do you feel it’s helped you?
    I am such a Ben Shapiro listener now! He has been so funny lately. We have botched this so much. Did you see the WHO now says lockdowns bad? You can’t trust them but still. You’re right - there will never be the old normal.
    Hope you are liking your new home!

  2. Oh normal. How I miss thee. I fear we will never return to the normal we once knew. I do like working from home full time, but everything else I miss terribly. I hate a love hate with old navy in general. I rarely find things in there that have a flattering fit. We have been doing a soup each week lately. I dont hate it.

  3. You know I love me a paper planner :) I'm currently using an Amplify Planner & enjoying it. I didnt think I would but I won it & now glad I did.

  4. Those memes are hilarious. And I agree—what is normalcy? I don’t think we’ll ever get back there at this point.


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