September 8, 2020

August Books.

I finished 4 books in August. I finished two more last week and I'm halfway through another right now.  You're just going to get the August books on here today, but you can follow me in real time on Instagram. 

And, since I'm a big believer in working smarter, not harder, I'm going to repost my Instagram captions here...simply because I give some pretty detailed thoughts there anyway. 

Finally, because most of what I read is pretty prone to spoilers, I don't accidentally want to give anything away. So going with what I've already said is probably best!

So...You can zoom in? Or go to my IG

The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes by Elissa R. Sloan 4 stars

It wasn't bad at all. I could see how it's definitely this author's first book. I rather enjoyed it. It was terribly sad in a lot of ways. There's not much to say other than it's a fictional biopic of an early 2000s pop group. 

You're Not Enough (and that's okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love by Allie Beth Stuckey 5 stars

This bolded intro on Goodreads *kind of* says it all: 

I have so much I could rattle on about here. The basics: If you're a Christian, you need to read this book. This message is life-changing. It was a turning point for me. As a new mom, who had no idea what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to go and how I was supposed to live (we moved 3 times in two kid's entire life has been nothing but moving back and forth across the country), I needed to hear something truthful. This was it because it's not just my truth or a truth, it's the truth. It's much easier to believe in the Gospel than it is to try to make my own way. It was a harsh dose of tough love when I didn't want it but I needed it. 

The caption kind of says it all. Don't go in knowing anything. It's pretty solid. 

The Guest List by Lucy Foley 3 stars

This was good enough. I wasn't blown away but I thought it was well-written. I wanted to see illustrations, to be honest. The setting sounded beautiful but I had trouble visualizing. 


All in all, I'm in a good place, reading-wise. What's the best book you read last month? 

Linking up!

Life According to Steph


  1. Yep - adding You're not Enough to my list!!!

  2. I have You’re Not Enough on my coffee table and dying for a chance to dive into it.

  3. Thanks for the reminder about You're Not Enough. I just checked my library and put it on hold. :)

  4. You're not enough sounds interesting for sure!

  5. You're Not Enough sounds interesting. I have Guest List on my TBR.

  6. You're not enough sounds really good! I wasn't a huge fan of The Other Mrs., but I wonder if that's because I listened on audio! Also, I picked up another Lucy Foley book and wasn't too impressed, so I'm not leaning towards picking up any of hers in the future!

  7. I read The Guest List this month too and enjoyed it. The Other Mrs. is on my to read list. A lot of bloggers have read The Unraveling of Cassidy Holmes this month. I had never even heard of it until today!

  8. It's disappointing to hear that the messaging of You're Not Enough is lost if you're not a Christian, because I am not, because it sounds like an interesting read. Maybe I'll read it anyway.

  9. The guest list was...interesting...

  10. I don't often want illustrations but they would have been really good in The Guest List.


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