October 18, 2019

5 on Friday.

It's been not the best week so...we'll see what happens this weekend. I take a 15 month old for his shots today. He does okay with shots, normally, so we're going to stop for a playdate on the way back. I need to stop at Target at some point and then I figure I'm driving to either my hometown or Scott's, but I don't know which one yet...it's been that kind of week. Also, I haven't gotten out for much exercise this week, based on the rain and so on...I think today the first thing on the agenda is taking Wells for a long walk. (I'm definitely writing this in real time.)

I hear these stories of people whose dog is acting funny and then three days later they're dead or something so I refuse to take chances. I'm very grateful the vet (I DO like our vet, and they're only a couple of blocks away) was able to fit us in as soon as I called on Thursday.

Scott took him.

Random: I was going to make baby pancakes again but Walmart didn't have the Annie's mix I usually buy, and then Scott came hone with some Kodiak Cake mix so I used that and Wells wouldn't eat them. So...that was a major waste of energy. 

A few funny things:

I don't know why I LOL at this. Something about the cadence of how it's worded makes me laugh. 

(Daniel Tiger is on right now so this seemed appropriate.)

Also, I posted about last weekend and my dermatology "adventures" this week.

Hopefully next week lends to feeling back on track!


  1. I hope Scout feels better and your weekend is better than the rest of the week!

  2. Your funnies always make me laugh!!! That PBS one - I lost it.
    & the country roads with no protesters. AMEN to that!
    Love Wells is already a pancake snob. My kinda guy.

  3. Hope he feels better and yay for scoring the free toy. I have had my fair share of tears for toys at play dates. Hope you have an awesome week ahead.

    Meg | The Blog

    Instagram: MeghanSSilva


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