August 29, 2016

Weekend Photos

I graded papers at the Toyota dealership while I was waiting for an oil change. It's a good thing I had that hour and a half, because I did no other work this weekend. 

Came down with a nasty case of plantar fasciitis and spent most of Saturday trying to figure out which shoes hurt the least. Everything hurt(s).

Ate candy corn.

I found this on Facebook, written by another Rodan and Fields consultant. 
It's very true and not something people often even give me a chance to tell them.
Everyone says "Expensive" because that's a pretty good excuse to not do most things. However...your skin is your skin. I've often tossed around the idea of "Why am I still at this? I haven't become a millionaire yet? MLM promises millionaire status, right?"
Well, even if I weren't selling it, I'D STILL BE USING IT. I can't imagine my life without these products. Might as well talk about it too, right?

Got 5 books for $15 in the Audible sale. I'm really enjoying this one. 


Also...did you know that when soldiers return from deployment, if they live in the barracks on base, they come back to completely empty dorm rooms? No sheets, no pillows, no shower curtains, no toilet paper. The Family Readiness Groups either have to raise the money to provide these (raise money, buy items, set up items, etc) or it doesn't happen. We're in the process of figuring out how this is going to work (when homecoming occurs at some point in the next 6 months).
The army and the government don't pay for any of this.
The soldiers with families in the area go home to all the comforts they've dreamed about for months. The soldiers in the barracks, who don't live with family, get none of that.
This is one of the sadder things I've learned about army life (and I've learned a lot of sad things in 8 years). 


On that depressing note...Happy Monday. 
(Which is kind of a depressing note all on its own, right?...but not as depressing as serving your country for a year and coming home to an empty dorm room.)


  1. The barracks are a little depressing in and of themselves. We're doing a bit of a project for our single soldiers (pre-planning during deployment) for a homecoming basket just for them. :)

  2. Ugh that sucks. Come on, government.

    Foot pain is the worst. Have you tried Asics Gel Kayanos (kayuno? sp)?

  3. That is RIDICULOUS about the empty barracks. How can we expect average citizens to respect and honor our military if our own government treats them like that? I'm pissed.

    Is it candy corn time of year already!?

  4. Ugh plantar fasciitis sucks!!! I'm so sorry you are having to deal with that.

    1. I get it every year or so for a few days. It usually happens at the beginning of the school year!

  5. This is going to sound like a ridiculous question, but do you buy bright colored shoelaces, or do you choose shoes that already have them? Because I love them :)

  6. Wow, I had no idea about the empty dorms. That's really sad!

  7. 5 books for $15! that's awesome. i think i read that liane moriarty one. i can't remember now.
    the people coming back to no toilet paper - that is so sad!
    that's so awesome that the products are more than a one month supply. that definitely makes it more cost effective!


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