February 11, 2016

Black/Blue/Brown (S&T 2/11)

Stuff, Things, etc.

Dress: Stitchfix // Sweater: Express // Boots: Madden Girl

Do you mix black and brown? What about black and navy?  More often than not, I stand in my closet and look around to see what color combinations I can come up with. I like mixing neutrals in a way that looks fresh and new, but not like I got dressed in the dark (and I hate overhead lighting, so sometimes I do get dressed in the dark).  I don't like it when things are matchy-matchy or when outfits are very specfic; this pattern can only go with that pattern, etc.  I try to buy things that will go with everything so I have more options.  Part of the reason why I still use Stitchfix. They send lots of neutral colors and patterns.

I don't remember what this outfit was supposed to look like. I'm guilty of picking something out the night before and wearing something completely different in the morning.  I put this together at 6:45am, before I left the house at 7:00am and then I got to work late because the roads were bad from the 3 inches of snow we'd gotten over night.  Usually I'm at work by 7:30, but not on this day.

Though you'd never know: it was almost 50 degrees in the afternoon when I took this picture.


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  1. Yup, I regularly mix black, brown, navy, grey... I mostly wear only neutrals so it happens a lot. But then I'm no fashionista so best not to take affirmation from me! I adore that stripy dress though. If they shipped to the UK I'd definitely give Stitchfix a go.

  2. I still cannot do black & brown together. I don't know, I guess it's BC ppl use to say no no to that. But yes to black & navy, brown & navy etc

  3. I don't mix black and navy, but in recent years I've been able to do black and brown! Not frequently though. LOL I do like and wear brown and navy and black and gray.

  4. I am loving this outfit!!! It's super cute and I think it's perfect together.

  5. If I ever dressed regularly in anything that wasn't yoga pants and hoodies, I'd totally mix brown and navy. I still can't do the black/navy and brown/black thing, though.

  6. I'm currently wearing navy pants with black shoes, but I'm not sure if that counts? I do like mixing brown and black. Neutrals all the way!

  7. i do wear black and brown sometimes (though honestly, the only real brown thing i own are boots, so rarely). the other day i was wearing grey, black, brown and yellow and i felt like a bit of an idiot but also didn't care.

  8. Yes, I do mix my neutrals--especially black and brown. And more often than not, it's black leggings with brown boots. :) Love that outfit!

  9. I stink at advanced matching and color palette coordinating. Although I know it's perfectly OK to mix brown and black, there's something deep and internal that fights it with every breath I take. LOL! Enjoy your 50F days!

  10. Love the mix of colors here! That's a cute dress on you!

  11. When I see guys where black with brown shoes I think it looks so bad...but your look (and on girls), I love. Sorry for the double standard, boys!


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