February 14, 2014

Stuff and Things (I'm Loving…)

Since it's the day of love and all that, these are some stuff and things I'm loving…

…Listening to books while driving.  I'm going through a phase where I hate music.  It happens a few times a year, and I haven't listened to the radio or anything in over a month.  Audiobooks make any time I spend driving completely productive and worthwhile.
Currently, I'm listening to Dead and Gone.  Charlaine Harris is a wonderful storyteller.

…the upcoming weather.

…in a few short hours, my classroom party will be over.  

…that Scott contacted a realtor in Colorado Springs.  We are DIY type people.  Actually, Scott is.  I can hardly think of one task he has not done himself instead of hiring it out.  I'm just along for the ride.  I knew it'd be a tight fit: me wrapping up a school year, us packing up (still haven't decided if we're going to let the army do it or if we'll do it all), and then trying to buy a house.  I was already starting to feel the pressure, but I heard him on the phone the other night talking to a realtor who is now doing the leg work for us.  Scott told me not to worry about it.  He's taking care of it.  Since you got a picture the other day of what a lot of my days look like for the next few months, I'm grateful that this is one less thing off my plate.

..#28daysofpilates!  I'm still loving it!  This is surprising, even to me.  Usually I lose interest in a fitness related challenge after day 3.  I credit the fact that Robin is a seriously good and down-to-earth instructor.  She reminds me of the ladies I took Pilates from in Alaska.  I find myself really looking forward to the 15 minutes of toning and stretching each night and sometimes I do more than one of the workouts, just to get a little extra bang for my buck.  I mean, if I'm already into it, what's an extra 8 minutes?

…The Following.  Love it.  I mean, my jaw hangs open.  I love that they're not afraid to kill people off the show, so it plays out more like a movie.  I watch it at night before I go to bed and I do realize this is the dumbest idea ever.  That first night I didn't sleep very well.  I've since become desensitized.  Must be an effect of all those seasons of Dexter I've watched.

…avocado and BBQ Chicken Salads.

…that Scott made me dinner the other night.

[no picture.  i was busy eating.]

…Looking at everyone's Sweetheart Swap gifts!  Thanks to all who linked up yesterday!

Though, I made Scott promise me that he would slap sense into me if I ever said I was going to do another swap.  I hate the post office THAT much.  Sorry all.


  1. I am sooo hoping for that nicer weather too, it long overdue - yet I hear its supposed to do something today. So I guess we'll see! Happy Love day to you two :)

  2. Oh gosh I'm SO glad that you've got a realtor who will handle all the legwork! I said after our last move that I'll never do it again without a company--they came in--packed our ish up Ian's loaded it in less than half a day (2 story 3 bedroom house with a loft and a garage--holy bananas)! Then met us at the new house the next day and put all our furniture back together where it was supposed to go, unloaded the truck and were gone less than 2 hours later. I do, however, remember you mentioning that the army can kind of...well--suck at that process? Am I remembering that correctly? Lost things? Broken things? Either way--I hope you have help!! And that salad looks AMAZING!! Yum!!!!

  3. We have 80 degree weather coming our way this weekend! So excited haha.

  4. I'm holding out for hope on warmer weather!!!!

    The Following... made me a Kevin bacon fan!

  5. We're finally getting our snow today.

    I love The Following. I haven't started Season 2 though, I need to catch up. Pretty sure Hulu has it for free...that's how I watched Season 1 anyway.

    I want to move...haha.

  6. The post office is one of my most hated places.

    Woo hoo for a realtor. My husband is one so I always like when people use them. A good one will handle all the BS for you.

  7. The BBQ chicken salad looks delicious! Mmmmmm. I love avocados! They make everything better!

    I haven't tried audio books but I think I want to. I get annoyed with the radio quite often and sometimes I don't feel like listing to my spotify playlists.

  8. I want to try out this The Following show!

  9. Yesterday. I would've totally traded my 6th grade Valentine's Day party for the 1st grade one. Those 12-year-olds behaved worse than my 6-year-olds ever did.....

    I need to catch up on the first two episodes of this season's The Following. They're still on the DVR.

    I would really love to trade my weather for your weather.


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