August 5, 2013

Feed the dog, please (and Mango Salsa)

On Saturday, I went for sushi in Rolla, the nearest "big" town and the nearest good sushi.  It's about 20 miles east.  Beforehand, I did a little Kohl's clearance rack shopping.  I'm trying to re-vamp my closet.  If you've been following my WIW posts, you'll know this is desperately needed.  After a Las Vegas roll with a friend, I went home to an empty house and found that Scott had taken the dog to the archery range.

Before I'd taken off for Rolla, I'd reminded Scott to feed Scout at 5:30.  He's never home when the dog eats, so I wanted to make sure he knew my SOP (standard operating procedure) and all.  Scout and I have a very specific routine.  He laughed and went on with whatever he was doing.

When they returned home at 8:30, as we were wrestling Scout to the floor in order to pick the ticks off of him (and as I was feeding him Cheerios to keep him still), I said, "Did you feed him?", never expecting the answer to be "No".  I was just asking to make conversation.

Scott:  No.  We left at 4:00.

Me: Are you serious?

No wonder he was biting us and eating those Cheerios like his life depended on it.  He missed dinnertime by 3 hours.  Poor little guy...

Because he'd spent some time rolling around in the woods, he was covered with teeny ticks from head to paw.  We spent all night holding him down...and then I was still all itchy, thinking they were on me.  Against my better judgment, we fed him french fries to keep him still.

Scott is never taking him anywhere again.  Ever.
We also went to the farmers' market.  I've spent years wishing for a real live farmers' market (no such thing on the tundra).  Scott and I've also spent years waiting for fresh-from-the-garden tomatoes. It's not warm enough to grow them outside in Alaska.  Since I bought a few too many, I made some salsa.  If I'd had a mango on hand, I would've gone for mango salsa.  I think you should try it.  I waited 27 years too long.

A few weeks ago, I tried Mango Salsa for the first time while we were on our "camping" trip.  That version was mango, tomatoes, and cilantro.  The sweetness of the salsa tasted amazing on top of salty tortilla chips.  Since I'm a black bean/corn salsa fanatic, I added these filling ingredients to stretch the salsa and it made quite a bit. We finished it in two days, as is the usual for a bowl of salsa or a container of hummus around here.

Mango Salsa

1 mango, peeled and diced into small pieces
1 can corn OR 1 cup thawed frozen corn OR 1 corn cob, shucked
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
2 roma tomatoes, diced
1/2 cup onion, finely diced
Juice of 1 lime
Sea salt
1/2 t. garlic powder OR 1 clove minced garlic

Mix all the ingredients together and taste.  You can add more salt, lime, or garlic if needed.  If you're eating it with tortilla chips, they'll add some salty flavor too.
Store in the fridge.  It tastes the best the next day!

Sharing at:
Weekend Shenanigans
Hop Till You Drop
Mingle Monday


  1. It will be the same way when you have kids... I had dinner completely done for the boys when I left friday night to go out and somehow they still didn't eat until 730 (pushing bedtime waaaay) late because Kev and his friend went to the store to get propane and beer first. They all survived though ;)

  2. My bf never feeds our dog when I'm not home! Poor thing almost attacks me when I get home and when he does actually feed him its a full blown miracle or it's people food! Our son also gets fed random meals when I'm not home too. I guess its just men!

  3. Oh no! Poor Scout, thankfully we have been on a pretty good routine with Emma for the last few years so he hasn't forgotten to feed her yet if I'm not home haha.

  4. Poor Scout. One day my dog didn't get breakfast until 10:30. I felt so bad!

    I have made a peach salsa that I absolutely love. I also like pineapple in my salsa as well.

  5. You have such a cute dog! I feed my dog at 7;30 in the morning and night. I think if she only eats twice it should be spaced equally apart. My hubby often forgets to feed her when he's home. I think it's just a man thing.

  6. Pooorr Sccoouuttt. Our female dog barks at us anytime we're more then 10 minutes past feeding time (7 am and 7 pm) so we can't forget! I hope you got all those ticks off of him! That isn't a huge problem in WA but I know they aren't very much fun for pets or owners to deal with!

    Also, that salsa looks delish! And you've given me a strong sushi craving.

    Random Comment: Finished.

  7. Poor Scout! I'd prob feed him fries too, out of guilt and/or to hold him down, lol.

  8. I looooove mango salsa. Frick I can't wait for the day I can get good produce again...

  9. Men. You ask them to do one thing.....

    That salsa sounds really good!

  10. Man, I tell my husband the same thing about my cat. He still hasn't gotten use to her routine, so he'll complain why is Athena all over me? and I will look over to her bowl and just simply point.

    Boys, what can you do? :)

  11. Mango salsa is amazing. My grandma cans peach salsa sometimes and it is pretty darn tasty!

    Sometimes men don't understand the need for schedules. I'm nervous for my kids... ;)

  12. Haha, I love the "you had one job" picture. That's how I felt last night when I got home and I had asked Josh to take butter out so I could make frosting...
    Poor little Socut, he must have been so hungry!

  13. your dog is so cute! i am so sorry he got stuff all over him :( so sad. that salsa looks delicious! cant wait to try it! thanks for sharing


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