June 21, 2013

funny stuffs. 6/21

This is one of my biggest problems.  I've suffered with it for a very long time.

I really like this guy.  Did you see him in 30 Minutes or Less?  Quite surprisingly, a really good movie!

This is how much I care about Kim Kardashian having a baby.

I slip on stairs a lot.  If there's too many, I'll even get dizzy.  
I'm pretty sure this would push me over the edge.

And, yes, thank you.  Me too.  However, I do plan on getting out and enjoying some sun this weekend.

Can you believe it's already Mad Men finale time?!

Pins can be found here.


  1. i love him in parks and recreation! he is so funny!

  2. Love Adam Scott- I also prefer air condition and television. But a good book in the POOL is nice too. ;)

    That mirror on the steps thing would totally freak me out!

  3. I haven't seen 30 Minutes or Less, but I've been *thisclose* to watching it. I couldn't decide if it would be too stupid/slapstick or not. I hate slapstick-ish comedy. LOVE him in P&R though.

  4. The Chris Brown/Kim Kardashian pin is great. I repinned it from you. :)

    I also walk pretty quickly. I hate getting stuck behind people who aren't.

  5. My mom ALWAYS asks me and my dad if we're going to a fire! (Not sure if you've heard that expression, but apparently it means you're walking quickly. Personally, I'd want to speed AWAY from a fire haha.) And seriously, I need to watch Mad Men.

  6. I love Aziz! Last summer we saw him do stand up in Portland. He was hilarious!

  7. Aziz Ansari is hilarous! and I love the stair-mirror thing. Don't worry- I'd probably trip and fall too!
    Happy weekend!
    P.S. I started a blog again?! Do me a huge favor and check it out?
    Hima Hearts

  8. I am a super fast walker as well! It's almost impossible for me to slow down my pace when walking with others and I often find myself a step or two ahead....it drives me bonkers. Glad I'm not the only one! Have a happy weekend!

  9. I am right there with you with the fast walking thing, and living in NYC it is really a sickness. I need a big broom or something to sweep away the slowies...is that violent? I swear I'm nice as long as I'm not stuck behind a slowpoke!

  10. I hate slow walkers!! Drives me crazy!

  11. I was so against watching 30 Mins or Less cause it looks SO stupid but my younger bro got me to watch it a few months ago & now I watch it ever time it's on; like Horrible Bosses. Actually, Im going to posting a (stupid, I'm sure) vlog tomorrow & you can hear the movie in the background A LOT cause I forgot to turn it down lol.

    Dude, that glass stair would scare the shit out of me. Like probably literally.


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