August 7, 2012

Insta-Tuesday and Sugary Sounds

Today, I'm joining in on a new link-up with Jane at Taingamala.
I thought of doing it last week, but I've been pretty Instagram-illiterate.
Jane was kind enough to help me out!

My Instagram handle is kedarhower.  If anyone can tell me how to get that on my sidebar, I'd much appreciate it!
(Told you.  Practically illiterate.)

My mother mailed me my tiara.  If my Sookie Stackhouse idea for Halloween doesn't pan out, I'll just be a princess.  Clever, I know.  

Just like being a teacher equals "ability to buy school supplies without consequence", being a fitness instructor equals "ability to buy colorful sneakers with consequence".

The token "look how expensive this is" sign

I was all set to order my "bee" decorations for the classroom, and then:  I saw the neon owls.

I really like stir fry but I hate that the packaged mixes include so much darn broccoli.   I ate about half of this bowl and then...

I got an ice cream maker.

Would you believe that I had to eat 2 extra bowls of ice cream just to get the pictures...?
 Peanut Butter Chocolate Cheesecake Ice Cream

 Peppermint Patty Ice Cream
Both are highly recommended.

I'm also linking up to Sugary Sounds @Adventure of E.
Adventure of E

I had forgotten how much I liked this song until I heard it on The Hangover II the other night. 
Flo Rida "Turn Around Part II" 

Who's ready for The Hangover III??  ME!
We saw the first movie in Missouri and the second one in Alaska.  (There's a sentence you never think you'll say...)  
Bradley Cooper:  Inspiring teachers since 2009
Also sharing at the GFC Hop!


  1. yay going to follow you on instagram now! I'm definitely a fan of the owls, so cute. I want both kind of ice cream - stat.

  2. LMAO love that image of michelle tanner eating ice cream from full house!

  3. Go to followgram (I think .com?) and login with your Instagram info. You get a profile page and you can make a button or whatever for your sidebar that links to followgram. Then instagram users can follow you on their computer and it'll be on their phones, and non-users can follow your photos on the internet. :) Oh, and I want some of that ice cream please.

  4. I just got instagram and I am still trying to figure it out. Also that Bradley Cooper scene is so funny! I saw one of my students at the AT&T store the other day and I just pretended like I didn't see him. That's hard in one of those places!

  5. haha so love this!! great blog!

  6. Homemade icecream! Yum! New follower!

  7. I'm a new follower, just wanted to say hi! That ice cream looks great!

  8. Holy cow that ice cream looks amazing. It looks like an add in a magazine that picture is so good! Snookie would be an AWESOME halloween costume. You have to take pictures, lots of pictures. I really want my next pair of sneakers to be some fun colorful ones! Thanks for linking up!!

  9. You ate 2 whole bowls of ice cream just to get us that beautiful photo? Wow, now that's what I call dedication to your blogging. On behalf of all your readers, thanks Kristin!

    haha, seriously though, I want some of that ice cream.

  10. I love instagram and your comment on Cullen's spinach snack today. Seriously, so random. He followed it up with marshmellows. Your ice cream looks delish!

  11. That ice cream looks so good. I bet you're coming up with all sorts of amazing concoctions. I expect to see some cake batter ones in the future.
    Gracias para linking up, too!

  12. LOVE how you say that being a fitness instructor equals ability to buy colorful sneakers! I so agree! I teach as well and feel like I am CONSTANTLY buying new sneakers!


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