August 31, 2012

Book Review: Breaking the Devil's Heart

Lauren @ShootingStarsMag asked me if I'd be interesting in reviewing this novel by H.A. Goodman.  In my effort to read more, I said, "Sure! Why not?".  The author, Mr. Goodman, was kind enough to ship me my own autographed copy of the book within a week.  I was provided with the book, but all of these opinions are my own.

Here's the synopsis:
When Stewart and Layla recruit a demon to spy on the Devil, their decision takes them on whirlwind ride through the afterlife. Journey alongside this young couple in H. A. Goodman's new novel, Breaking the Devil's Heart, and join forces with a teenage Angel outcast to bankrupt Satan's underground Company and save Heaven from civil war. H. A. Goodman's Breaking the Devil's Heart is a rollercoaster afterlife experience that tests a young couple's love, their grasp on reality, and the essence of human nature. What happens when Stewart and Layla tour Hell's Marketing Department and Stock Exchange? What happens when their relationship is tested by Satan? This book is unlike anything you've ever read, or ever thought the afterlife might be like. Breaking the Devil's Heart is an enlightening look into an alternate world, a new afterlife, and a profound journey inside the human conscience. --Amazon

#1  This was not book I ever would have picked up for myself.  The cover art didn't scream "Kristin!" and neither did the title.  However, I've purchased an awful lot of books just because they were "pretty", or because "everyone else likes it, so I should too".  Those books have been discarded, given away, or long forgotten.  This was a lesson in not judging a book by its cover.

#2  While I'm not a fan of sci-fi, I love books about dystopic societies.  This book is about a dystopic version of the afterlife.  In other words, it's not quite what we've been believing or expecting.  It was reminiscent of a book I read a few years ago called Elsewhere.

#3  Breaking the Devil's Heart combines history and philosophy to make quite the brain bender.  It really made me think!  I dog-eared lots of pages with particularly poignant information.

#4  There's a lot of stuff about Nazi Germany and the good/evil battle that went on within the conflicts there.  The author, I'm sure, knew that's how he could easily hold my attention.  Give me a depressing WWII story any day.

#5 There are some twists toward the end that will surprise you.  I like books and movies that surprise the audience.  This book ends in a way that demands a sequel, and I guess my only complaint would be that maybe the ending wasn't as unpredictable as I would have liked.
It was still a great story!  In trying to find "balance" between work and play, I would read 4 or 5 chapters every night before bed.  A lot of the time I was so tired, but didn't want to put it down!

Overall, I'd give this book 4/5 stars.  It wasn't my usual kind of reading, but it a good novel for fantasy.  I will definitely look into reading this author's first book.

Happy weekend!


  1. I think it's great that you pointed out that you {literally} can't judge a book by it's cover. I'm like you in that it's normally a nice looking covers that initially draws me in, but it's important to remember that the content isn't determined by having a cute cover and it never hurts to try something out of the ordinary.

  2. What a fun review! Have you done these before! I think I might have to read this!

  3. I'm glad you reviewed this, because I'm a big judge-a-book-by-it's-cover person, and that cover makes my eyes hurt.

    But it sounds like the inside is better than the outside.

  4. I'm really glad you enjoyed the book! It's always good not to judge a book by its over (even thought I DO like this one, it's different) but we're all guilty of it, so thanks for giving it a shot. :)



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