July 16, 2012

Nutterbutter Fudge

Attention food bloggers:  My recipe index is giving me a headache.  Do you have any tips on how to organize it?  Do you ever go through and re-do recipes to get better pictures?  Do you only include what you love in your index?  Or do all your posts go into it?  (Such a first world problem)

So I'm really bad at sharing my food.
  Like, horrible.
If I had access to my parents' photo albums, I could show you the picture of me, at 18 months old, walking around with a giant bag of bbq chips, munching as I go and not willing to let anyone else eat them.

Last week, I brought home a bag of chips as a pre-dinner snack.  My husband was on his way to the sporting goods store and he spotted the bag on the counter as he walked toward the door.  While I was putting groceries away, he downed half the bag of chips.
On the outside, I put the groceries away.
On the inside, I was screaming, "Those are my chips!"
Not that I didn't want him to have any.  I just wanted to have them first.  
And we all know that boys will eat all of something before they even realize it's gone. 
And it's 2 whole miles back to the grocery store.
In order to save our marriage, I kept my mouth shut.  
He left.  
I ate the rest of the chips while I caught up on reading blogs.
A happy ending.

I made this fudge a couple of weeks ago.  I cut it up into neat little pieces.  Took some pictures.  Tossed it all into a Ziploc bag and put it in the freezer.
For 3 days, everytime I walked by the freezer, I grabbed a piece.  
And every time, I noticed the bag had less and less pieces to grab.
Scott was eating it too.

I had to share my fudge AND my chips?!  Unbelievable.  Don't even get me started on how fast ice cream has been disappearing.*
I should probably be grateful that I didn't eat all that junk food myself.  We all know that eventually I would've.
Good thing he doesn't like marshmallows.

Nutterbutter Fudge
makes an 8x8 pan

1 container mini-Nutterbutters (or about 10 large), crushed
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 bag Reeses' Peanut Butter chips
1 can sweetened condensed milk

In a microwavable bowl, melt the chips, peanut butter, and sweetened condensed milk together.  I did 45 second intervals, stirring in between.  It just took a couple of minutes.
Fold in the crushed Nutterbutters.
Line an 8x8 pan with foil (you might want to spray it too) and pour in the mixture.  Even it out with a spatula and stick it in the freezer for a few hours to harden.

(Then lick the bowl when your husband isn't paying attention.)

You could also stir in some mini-marshmallows once the mixture is melted (when you fold in the cookies). Do not put the marshmallows in the microwave.  I had one great big failed attempt at this fudge a few weeks ago because I made the mistake of melting the marshmallows.

*Let it be noted that I would give up all the ice cream in the world if it meant he could stay here and not go back to finish up this stupid deployment. 

Sharing at:
Mingle Monday
Mix it up Monday
Crazy Sweet Tuesday
Friday Food
Weekend Potluck
Sweet Treats Thursday


  1. Yum, looks delish!
    Having grown up with 3 brothers (no sisters) I am a food hider. Even to this day. As a kid, after my mom grocery shopped I would take food and hide it in my room (especially boxes of cereal). Otherwise, when it was time to find a snack, there was NOTHING to find because my pig brothers ate it all, heehee!!!

  2. i've never heard of nutterbutters, but somehow i think i would like them- this looks wonderful!

  3. I'm lucky that my hubby isn't a sweets eater, but chips and crackers, well, that's another story. If I made this fudge, I'd eat it all myself and there would be no amount of exercise to counter it:-) However, I love your idea of putting it in the freezer and only grabbing one now and again. XOXO

  4. I had to comment after reading your potato chips story! When I first moved in with my husband, I had just brought home a bag of chips that I intended on having throughout the next couple of weeks. I had to run to the library and by the time I came back, he had eaten THE ENTIRE BAG OF CHIPS!! I can laugh now, but at the time, I nearly lost my mind! What is it with men and their chips?!?! LOL!!!

  5. I regularly hoard and hide my food. I have to continually more the peanut butter to new hiding spots otherwise I'll go to bake with it and it will be gone. And do you know how much more I love you for sharing this fudge????????? Mmmmm....

  6. I hide food so that no one eats it before I can bake with it:-) This fudge...amazing!!! I don't think I will be able to stop once I start:-)

  7. Oh my! That fudge looks delicious. I also have a problem with sharing my food. It's becoming a problem :-)

  8. my husband loves nutter butters! i need to make these! i am trying so hard to eat less desserts - this is not helping!!

  9. This recipe is right up my alley! Love it.

    Also, I hate sharing food too! I hate when I got to restaurants and people want to split something! No way. No. Way.

  10. Haha! I don't blame you, girl! I would have hidden this fudge too. It looks incredible!! Sharing this on my facebook page!

  11. This... I'm speechless. Literally, my toes just curled. I am about to freak out. I need this NOW! LOL Thanks so much for bringing this to Weekend Potluck. I pinning.


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