May 18, 2021

Weekend Photos in Mid-May


Anxiously awaiting the ice cream I bribed him with. It was down-pouring outside. Culver's doesn't do "kid's" milkshakes? He only drank about 1/3 of a small vanilla. 

Dogs. Wondering what the heck we're up to now. 

We went to Cracker Barrel. 
Wells, as I knew he would, loved the toys. The rule is: he can look at whatever he wants but he has to keep his hands in his pockets. This has solved 99% of potential problems, I swear. 
He had a comment for everything. 

It was a two hour trip because they don't have enough staff/help. To all of the people who are refusing to work because they believe the government will take care of them: I'm sorry you believe the things you do. 
Unless you are a stay-at-home parent or retired, you have no reason to expect the government to pay you for existing. 
Even as a SAHM, I didn't want the government's money (meaning, our own isn't free).

Proclaiming that the fried apples are "so good!". 

Something I don't post a lot of is the little things that go into moving. I found this birdhouse in a basement box and intentionally moved it to Missouri the other day. A student made it for me in 2018. Wells really liked it so we hung it in a tree there. 

I will post a full bathroom re-do explanation when we're finished (still need paint and to hook everything up) but this is the progress we (Scott) made. 

Pup cups at Starbucks. I was trampled. 

One of four Lowe's trips in about 30 hours.


  1. You guys are brave with your house projects! Alabama is ending the additional unemployment at the end of May and I cannot wait. It has been insane the amount of places that can't find help. Why do I have to pay for everyone to sit at home on their asses when I have had to work this entire time??? There are jobs to be had. Maybe that wasn't the case last year at this time...but it sure is now. People need to have some pride again, you know?

  2. The pup cup trample - LOL They know where the good are at.
    OK - I'm sure impressed Wells keeps his hands in his pocket.

  3. OMG I can't wait for the additional unemployment to end here. So many small businesses, especially restaurants are hurting SO bad for employees.

  4. I love that he actually listens and keeps his hands in his pockets! Bathroom is looking great!


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