September 5, 2018

Currently in September

Starting: Jane the Virgin from the beginning. I never watched season 4 and I can't dig up the passion for it after the time jump so I thought if I went back to the beginning I might get into it again. 

Also, starting to do regular Pilates via The Balanced Life Sisterhood again. For the last 7 or so months, I've just ignored the calendars and workout links as they came into my inbox and did prenatal Pilates instead. Now that I am able to do what I want, I can start following the calendar again. 

Also, we're *starting* to smile. 

Buying: I've actually been doing a lot of online shopping over the long weekend because I'm looking for fall-ish clothes or new gym clothes or whatever I can find on clearance. But none of that stuff has arrived yet. I meant to actually GO shopping but the thought of packing up a baby and driving an hour each way only to be potentially disappointed by in-stock merchandise is more than I could handle. So here's what I actually went to a store to buy... 

There's, of all things, a beautiful Bath and Body Works in Laramie. No Target, no mall, no anything but Wal-Mart, but there's a B&BW right next to the Safeway. I haven't ever bought my seasonal supply of soap at an actual brick and mortar location. There were none in Alaska, the mall in Missouri was 90 minutes away, and the ghetto malls in Colorado Springs were not worth the 45 minute trip, either. This shop was a 5 minute drive and I didn't have to pay shipping. 

Sharing: A TV recommendation..if you've not watched Shameless, I highly suggest you go for it. If you are easily offended, maybe not. But what I tell people is that if you can get through the first two episodes without wanting to take a shower, you've desensitized yourself and you can keep going. Kind of the same with Weeds and Dexter..if you can get through the first few episodes, you're in for a treat. Showtime is my favorite. I stopped Homeland after a few of my favorite characters...left. Scott still watches it though. That first season was almost magical, so if you want a show to start, Homeland is good too. 

What are you watching this fall???

Reading: I got on top of this last week and actually put a few hard copy books on hold at the library (like 6 blocks away...this shouldn't be a hardship, right?). This was the first to come in. So far I like it. 

Recording: I suppose this counts as "recording". We made Wells official last week by enrolling him in DEERS. This is the military's ID office. We went to Cheyenne because there's an air force base there, and it was a million times easier than going to Ft. Carson. Aside from the fact that Ft. Carson is hours away (Cheyenne is 45 minutes), on army bases you need appointments and it's a disaster of waiting and people. We were in and out of the DEERS office on the air force base in 20 minutes, and no appointment was needed so I call this a huge, painless win. Insurance has been a worry for me with the move in May to civilian care (since we aren't assigned to a base right now) and we'll be moving again to civilian care at a different location this winter. Getting one little thing taken care of at a time always feels like a relief (Note: if you are military and have a baby, you have 3 months to enroll them in DEERS..these are the things I wish people had told me!). 

Linking up with Anne!


  1. Aw, your son is such a cutie. I'm glad you're enjoying your current read. I wish I had Showtime...I used to, but it's been years now.


  2. Gosh he is adorable! Congratulations! I've been meaning to say that for months, but i've been having trouble commenting from my phone. He was born on my birthday ... good day!

    I feel you on dreading packing up the kid to go to a brick and mortar store. It doesn't get much better. I still dread it at 3 and he walks and doesn't require much stuff at all. Its just SO much easier to order online. But you just reminded me that I am due for some fall scented soaps ... so maybe I'll stop after work ... (which is when I do most of my shopping ... between work and daycare pickup!)

  3. I am so freaking ready for Shameless to come back!

  4. i don't even have a baby but i can't handle going to stores.. i'd much rather do everything online. i've heard good things about that mrs parrish book! glad enrolling Wells was relatively painless!

  5. I keep seeing Shameless on my Netflix role & dont even know what its about.
    I need to get to Bath & Body works - I'm so obsessed with their aromatherapy line & need to restock on some things.

  6. Yay! You can go to bath and body and the library and Walmart! Check out the pioneer woman products and Walmart and their clothes are iproving, too. They have Danskin for workout and time and true for normal clothes. Wells is so cute! Did you go to the BX? I loved the last Mrs. Parrish!

  7. I've been looking for new fall clothes as well. I've found a few pieces but nothing that has wowed me.

  8. Awww, those first baby smiles are the best. As is getting little nagging things crossed off your to-do list!

  9. Ditto with Homeland...I gave it up after a couple of seasons. I love those soaps - such pretty labels! Have a great Friday!


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