April 21, 2017

5 Things (I'm Glad About)

1. Rain. I enjoy it. I do not enjoy the thunder and lightning that popped up, or when our dirt road becomes impassable. But rain is needed. Last year we had a snowstorm the first week of May, so fingers crossed.

2. Getting our taxes done. We did them on Monday night.

3. I finally finished a book last night. April is a slim month around here for reading it seems.

4. The end is in sight.

Also, important dates have been marked (mindless TV that will get me through the summer) and the change of command has clearly been moved, as I've crossed it out, but you can't take personal days back so...looks like I have a day off.

But this is 110% how I've felt lately about everything in life. I could make a list of all the things that are "fine" but this sums it up.

5.  I have a haircut and a pedicure set up on Sunday. I promised myself I would relax this weekend because these last few weeks have seen nothing but stress. Also, I desperately need a haircut. The lady put in layers in February and I'm thinking I need a few inches off the longest layer to keep the body to it.

And that's it. Happy Friday!


  1. I'm always so envious of teachers & their summer breaks. I've been at my job for 25 years... I'm still waiting for a long vacay ;)

  2. I have a doggie named Scout too! Your relaxing weekend sound great! Enjoy it!

  3. Sorry it's been stressful for you. Hopefully it abates soon.

  4. Sorry things have been stressful. Enjoy this weekend and the time you are taking for yourself!

  5. May is your last month?!? Lucky you!

  6. i also finally dropped off my tax stuff at my accountants and i'm hoping i don't have to pay. sorry things have been stressful; i have another month of crappola at work before things calm down. rage.

  7. Summer break is coming closer by the day!! Hope you love the new cut and pedi!

  8. Our last day is the same day, yay!!!! ;)


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