January 26, 2023

Subscriptions I'm not keeping in 2023

side note: "subscription"i hate is the local library. i'm #529 in line for a current popular book.

1. Peloton.

I haven't used it much in the last couple of months. Truly, there's so much there that it can be overwhelming. I was in a really good strength-training routine last fall but I never want to actually do it. Same with the bike. I love the Cody Rigsby rides but I am bored to tears by biking. I could never motivate myself to go to spin classes at the gym either. I did it, but I hated it. So, since I haven't been using it anyway, I just canceled it. 

2. Daily Wire. 

I've been a DW subscriber since 2019 but it's just not worth it because I don't use the membership. Initially, it gave me an extra hour of content every day and a tumbler and I liked giving them my support. But when I look at "do I actually use it?", I don't now so it's not worth the $100+ a year. So I let that go this month.

3. Subscribe/save on Amazon. 

There is nothing I need so badly on Amazon that I need to get an automated delivery lol. Plus, the one singular thing I truly did want to S&S on multiple times in the past year (formula!) kept getting canceled because of the formula shortage. 

Also, throw Kindle Unlimited under this umbrella: I canceled that last fall. I read just about everything I wanted to last summer from this feature. If I really want a KU book, I'll pay $2-3 for it.

4. Audible.

Perhaps also under the Amazon category...I just don't enjoy audiobooks anymore. I never thought I'd say that, but it's true. 

5. Book of the month

This is on the chopping block. I ended up skipping a lot a months in 2022 because nothing looked good to me. I rarely get BOTM books that I simply cannot put down. That hasn't happened in awhile. In January, they offered me a free pick for my birthday and every single book was completely unappealing. Obviously the offer was only good for January so I just skipped again. 

What about you? Are you cleaning out your subscriptions too? 

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