Well, since I've kept up with my reading at a pretty steady pace, I figured I'd share the books I read in June now. I did Quarter 1 books and Quarter 2 books but I'm reading, reading, reading these days much more than I was at the beginning of the year, so that's good news. You can follow me on Instagram for updates in real time.
The First Shot (a prequel to The Last Mrs. Parrish) by Liv Constantine
Eve in Exile by Rebecca Merkle --this gives a really thorough overview of the timeline of feminism. I appreciated the historical component.
Currently reading: Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier
I'm really enjoying it but, for real, hardcovers are difficult to read in this season because most of my reading is when I'm sitting in the rocker with the baby and only have one hand available.
My library is awful and my TBR is long. Kindle Unlimited has definitely become my friend during this season.
I really enjoyed The Younger Wife. I will have to check out Eve in Exile. I don't remember anything from The Last Mrs Parish but I still want to read the prequel now! LOL at people's comments on it.