Smoothies are back!
I used to drink a protein/spinach smoothie every single morning on my way to work for about 18 months.
While pregnant, I couldn't stomach the thought of a green smoothie; not because it made me sick, but because it was just gross. I've never been able to get back into protein powder, and I've definitely tried.
So now, after trying out some Daily Harvest smoothies this fall (too expensive but very good, generally) and reading The Postnatal Depletion Cure (where the author talks a lot about nutrition), I've hopped back on the smoothie train.
The best part is that Wells loves them. He eats them like ice cream with a spoon. It's a fun part of the day, sharing a giant smoothie.
Here's what I've been putting into them for the last two months.
Coconut water. For hydration and a little flavor.
Almond milk. To serve as a blending liquid but, really, does this have any other purpose? Does anyone actually *like* almond milk?
Dole Fruit Blends. These aren't super cheap, but they have a mixture in them, usually including something green. It's usually about $8-9 a bag and will last a week. Still cheaper than Daily Harvest!
Extra frozen fruit. Mango, pineapple, blueberries, or strawberries are my favorites to use to bulk it up. I don't like raspberries or blackberries.
Sometimes half a banana. I'm not a huge banana fan.
Sometimes spinach. It depends.
Acai berry. Sometimes, if I have it.
Chia/flax/hemp hearts. We buy this Trilogy mix and I put it on oatmeal a lot. It's fantastic if you blend it into a smoothie.
Anyway, I don't measure anything.
I try to make it thicker, rather than thinner, because Wells does get more out of it when he eats it with a spoon. I used to try so hard to get him to drink smoothies and, as it turns out, he just doesn't like to drink them.
What's your favorite smoothie recipe or ingredient? I'm really on board with adding in my supplements, like flavorless collagen, this way.
I love making a chocolate strawberry smoothie with frozen strawberries, almond milk, chocolate protein powder or just collagen and cocoa powder, spinach, and chia, flax, and hemp seeds. I also got the smoothie project cookbook so I am slowly trying all those smoothie recipes.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I have been on an acai bowl kick for the last...two or three years haha! I put collagen, hemp, chia and flax seed in mine. Before that, I used to have protein smoothies on my weight training days. My favorite was a chocolate peanut butter one I made with chocolate protein powder, PB2, banana, and almond milk. I have also done it with vanilla protein and chocolate PB2.