August 29, 2017

August Recommendations

These spinach and sausage muffins were delicious. I didn't put in the onion and went with bell pepper instead. They reheated very well and were tasty all week long. However, they all but destroyed my muffin tins and I don't know why. I sprayed them well with Pam and it just didn't work out the way I wanted. I did make them twice, just to be sure it wasn't a fluke. I have silicone muffin cups around here somewhere (you know, from when I used to actually bake things), so when I come across those, I'll try again.

Also, microwaveable bacon. Cooking bacon is a pain, even in the microwave. I was cooking bacon on the stove a few weeks ago and grease shot into my eye. That was the last time I tried cooking bacon on the stove. Buying the actual packs of microwaveable bacon is so much easier. I don't make vast quantities at once, so this does the job.

New sneakers were at the top of my want/need list right now. I can't truly recommend these because I haven't really tried them. But I got them over the weekend.

And, to continue on with wants/needs, I need a dress for a wedding. Because I'm preppy and weird, I was liking this one:

This one.

Or this one.

It's a fall wedding on the east coast, so maybe with a new pair of booties and black tights. I miss the east coast.

This last one is kind of an anti-recommendation:
If a teacher wants a color printer, a teacher must buy a color printer herself/himself. We have one and I like it and it's wireless and portable and does the job. My teammate bought this one from Amazon and told me she'd let me know how she liked it because I was thinking maybe I should get one too ("ours" is technically "Scott's"). After she used it, she reported that it went through ink way too quickly.
Therefore, if you are looking for a color printer, I wouldn't get this one.

Linking up with Lauren and Bre!


  1. lol i make those egg muffins and seriously, they destroy my trays every single time. the only time they don't is when i use a brand new tray. i'm tempted to buy a new tray each week because that's how much i hate washing the stupid things.
    we don't eat real bacon and turkey bacon doesn't splatter as much as real bacon, but when we did eat real bacon i cooked it in the oven. seriously. no splatter. obviously the microwave is easier though, especially in small quantities.

  2. I can't stand making bacon! It is good to eat but I can't deal with the mess. I leave it up to my hubby to do it.

  3. Love that first dress-- I was just doing a search for plaid dresses yesterday! It's the worst when something gets stuck to the pan, but at least the muffins turned out.

  4. I like all the dresses but I love plaid.

    I make my egg muffins in Pampered Chef brownie pans and have no issue.

  5. Have you tried cooking bacon in the oven? I'm a crispy bacon girl so this works better for me than the microwave.

    LOVe the window pane dress.

  6. Do you have to buy your own colored paper too? I remember once the quota was out it was up to you if you wanted it.

  7. i love those egg in tins but damn, the scrubbing to clean it! i hate that part.

  8. I love that plaid dress. Very VINTAGE.

  9. I tried breakfast muffins once and had trouble too. But it's such a good idea in theory! And love the plaid dress.

  10. Buy all the dresses!! Seriously! They are so freaking cute! I love the plaid on the first one. And, can you pretty please update me on those shoes? I've been thinking about getting a pair!

    Also, just so you know, I don't know if it's a problem on my end or what but when I try to go to your blog, if I type it won't go and I get an error message. I have to actually type the www. before for it to load.

  11. I love the third dress but all of them are really cute!

  12. I love all three of those dresses! The third looks most "wedding-like" to me, but I looooove the first one. I think it would look so cute on you while teaching. Thus, you need both 1 and 3 😉

  13. All those dresses are great; personally I prefer the third dress. Although I would have trouble styling it for cold weather and not looking like I'm off to a funeral, but I am Bad At Fashion so I'm sure you'll do fine.

    I love bacon but bacon here is different and I can't yet work out whether I like it or not. In the mean time, not much bacon going on around here. If you cook it in the oven how does it not just splatter all over the inside of your oven?? Arguably harder to clean...

  14. Love the new shoes! $60 is better than $160, I will admit ;)

  15. I see others have already suggested bacon in the oven - it's my go to and so easy. Anything I can just leave in the oven is for me, though. I like the third dress but I am plain. And I also like the shoes! I need new ones but was trying to make sure I stick with working out first :) Thanks for linking up!


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