June 19, 2017

Funny Things for Monday.

Saturday started with a 2:30am wake-up because Scott got back to Ft. Carson at 4:30am. Just to illustrate how much he works, he said I could just pick him up after 5am, so he could get some work done.

I will say that I've not slept for like a week. This is a problem I have every summer. It started in Alaska in 2012 when it was light out all the time, Scott was gone, and I had nothing to do but workout, blog, and watch TV. Now it's like a summertime curse. I need the routine and exhaustion that comes with going to work every day.

So getting out of bed at 2:30am was fine with me. He later said he was kidding. But it's hard to pick up on that in a text message.

ANYWAY. We had a busy weekend and I took NO pictures of anything (not even a dog), so here's a few funny things to start off your week. I'll be volunteering on base this week, in the 95* heat.


  1. Oh I totally agree with you on a routine. I'm already "bored" so to speak and applying for other jobs has me freaking out just a bit.

  2. OH MY GOSH. The Best of Schmidt TOTALLY made my morning better. THE BEST!!!
    & the USB drive... I just did that yesterday trying to set up my dad's new Garmin watch. I swear, every turn, it wouldnt go in & then finally, it did. I was like,I'm so glad this has 20 sides to try. UGH

  3. It's crazy how much they work sometimes! Kyle's schedule at Polk was ridiculous.

  4. I relate with so many of these! Always need a little humor to start the week!

  5. OMG. That first chart is so true, I have to steal it for facebook.

  6. The first chart really does stress the old saying about how "it's the little things in life," doesn't it?

  7. The USB thing?? SO true!!! How does that ALWAYS happen?!? lol


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