August 26, 2016


Yesterday, it was 47 degrees in the morning and only hit about 70 in the afternoon. Much appreciated. 
It still got warm at work, but not pants-stick-to-you warm, so it worked out okay.
No worries though, because I'm sure the temperature will hit that range again next week. 

I didn't notice until I looked down to take this picture...I'd spilled frappucino on myself on the way home. 
Oh well. 

Pants are Athleta, last year, but they pretty much always have them. Wedges are Famous Footwear. The green tank was $8 at Target a few months ago and the sweater was from Gap last spring (I hope frappucino comes out). 

Before 9am, two kids told me they liked my shirt. 
And then one kid told me I reminded her of her mom because her mom always complains.
It's a long story.
However, you should be careful what you say in front of your kids because they bring it all to school. 


  1. I had no idea Athleta sold real pants...

  2. I like the contrasting sleeves on that sweater. I'm all about the basics with something interesting to make them a little different.

    I didn't know Athleta sold real pants either.

  3. wait... athleta sells real pants? i really like them.. off to check them out. love the two coloured cardigan and the tank. this is such a cute outfit :)
    KC is always telling me the weird things his kids tell him about their parents lol. then i meet the parents and i'm like... awkward.

  4. So cute! It's still 100 degrees here but I am DYING for fall temps!

  5. Super cute outfit!! I am loving the sandals.


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