April 22, 2014

A little known fact…

I don't like sleeping.  I don't like naps, and I honestly find sleep to be a waste of time.  Part of the reason why I usually don't go to sleep until 10:30pm, when I know I could/should be in bed before 9:30, is because I feel like there's better things to do aside from sleeping.  Reading, watching t.v., writing a blog post, pilates, cleaning, grading papers…just about anything is more appealing to me.  This is why I wake up exhausted at 5:30am.

Aside from all that, I really do sleep well.  The last time I remember having trouble sleeping was in the summer of 2012, when Scott was deployed and I had nothing to do all day/night and the Midnight Sun was up.

The only time  you'll ever find me taking a nap is if I'm in a (legal) drug-induced sleep.

Over the weekend, I was all itchy.  I'm not sure what the problem was/is.  An allergic reaction maybe?  Seasonal allergies?  Super dry skin?  Your guess is as good as mine.  But finally, I decided to take a Benedryl on Saturday night and was asleep within the hour.  On Sunday morning, I didn't want to get up, and then still felt the effects of that Benedryl all day long.

I ended up taking a nap and I hate taking naps.  This is especially bothersome on the weekends because  I feel like I'm wasting time I could be spent enjoying life if I take a nap.

This past weekend, I feel like I accomplished a lot until I succumbed to the itchiness and took a Benedryl.  So that means I accomplished a lot of Saturday.  Friday was a rough day, but I did 30 minutes of yoga before bed on Friday night and woke up feeling much better on Saturday. I went to the post office, the grocery store x2, I got a pedicure, and then I went fishing with Scott.  The gnats were awful.  They didn't bother the dog.  He spent the evening swimming.  I spent the evening swatting gnats and scratching, which led to the Benedryl.

It's Tuesday, and I'm still itchy.

It may be a long week.


  1. Itchiness sounds terrible but I beg to differ on naps. I LOVE naps.

  2. Meanwhile, I love naps! LOL...but then if you sleep well, maybe you don't want/need because you got what you needed. That's nice, actually. Hope your itchies are gone!

  3. I can't stand taking naps either. I take them occasionally--when I'm sick or jet-lagged when I've flown between Malaysia and the U.S., but that's it. And it's definitely the "wasting time" factor that frustrates me!

  4. Naps never happen in my house, for anyone!

  5. I need to take benadryl to take a nap, or I need to be nearly dead from illness or hangover. Neither happens often. I hate when I am so overtired that I feel hungover or sick. I will still typically stick it out and just go to bed early.

    About 10 years ago, I was breaking out in hives. I have no idea why. I had to take benadryl daily. I can't stay awake for more than 20 minutes after taking a benadryl. It was awful.

    I hope your itchiness leaves soon!

  6. I'm the same as you! No naps for me. Unless I take the Benadryl. That sucker puts me down so fast, I don't even know my own name when I wake up the next day. Sorry for your itchiness. I hope it goes away soon!

  7. Oh, no! I've had a cough for three weeks now, and the doctor said yesterday she thinks I may have allergies. Like, for the first time in my life. It's Missouri, I swear...

  8. I can't stand taking naps either, unless I am legit sick. It's a waste of time, I can always think of a thousand things I could be doing instead, and besides all that, I can't remember the last time I took a nap and didn't wake up 1) more tired than before I went to sleep, 2) with a raging headache or 3) both. Naps are evil.

  9. I actually hate naps too because I end up waking up totally out of it and just like you, realize I could have been doing a lot more than what I did. Then the day is gone and its like what now?

    However I'm so out of it from the long day back from the 4 days off that a nap may be where I'm headed. Or bed early!

  10. I love naps! I don't sleep well at night, and it seems like one of the kids wakes me up most nights. Just a short nap refreshes me and helps me tackle the rest of the day. It rarely happens and I do miss them.

    I hope the itchiness goes away!

  11. I feel like naps just make me more tired! I'd rather power through work and just sleep at the end. I'm sorry you're itchy- feel better!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  12. I wish I could nap but my body just won't have it.

  13. Oh how can you not like sleep?? I LOVE Sleep and will do it whenever I can. I always stay up way too late but love naps on weekends!!!

  14. Seriously sleeping is my favorite part of my day. :)

    I hope the itches are gone!

  15. Weekends are MEANT for napping. That's what you're supposed to be doing. lol I wish I didn't like sleeping. Maybe then my house would be clean.....


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