November 11, 2013

Stuff and things.

-Someone found my blog by searching "exposed neck phobia".  Remember this post?  "Exposed neck phobia" sounds about right.

-I had the kids make up their own Cause and Effect examples last week.  I swear I've made no mention of "write about a pig".  This is one student's example:

"The pig was mad." ---> "I calmed the pig down."

-By the way, I've almost finished season 2 of Jericho.  At this point, I'm invested.  I can't believe they ended this show.  I might stage a protest to bring it back 6 years after the fact.  Hey, it worked the first time...

-I invested in a Clarisonic Mia 2.  I know.  I don't like that I had to resort to this, but I've been tossing around the idea for about a year.  On Saturday, I thought, "I'll check at Target when I'm there tomorrow" (side note: I spent Sunday at Target).  Then, as soon as I walked into the PX on Saturday night, there was a giant display right in front of me.  It was a sign.

Missouri humidity has not been kind to my skin.  I just feel like it's always gross and grimy and when people say, "I have A pimple, can you believe it?!", I want to hit them because I always have like 5 at once.

So I'm giving the Clarisonic a try.  Have you used one?  What do you think?

-The Walking Dead about put me to sleep on Sunday.  I mean, it's like they're afraid to commit to killing anyone off.  Hershel can only save so many lives and I hope I'm speaking too soon when I say that it's not shocking me the way I want it to.

-Who's ready to go back to work tomorrow?  Yeah. Me either.
In other news, I spilled water on my alarm clock the other night.  It started making all kinds of robotic beeping noises.  I managed to unplug it without being electrocuted.  Now, I don't have an alarm clock, so I have a feeling it might be a difficult week (I don't trust my phone and, yeah, I know how crazy that sounds).


  1. I've always been intrigued by the Clarisonic. You'll have to let me know if you like it. Although I tend to have skin that if I clean it too MUCH, it reacts negatively. Normally I just use a makeup wipe at night and a gentle cleanser in the AM and I'm good to go.

    Boo hoo, all you who had the day off and have to go back to work tomorrow. ;)

  2. I don't trust my phone alarm either. My husband doesn't even use an alarm and he gets up at the same time every morning

  3. I feel the same way about waking up.

    I do trust my phone alarm. It's been pretty trusty for awhile. I think it was on my old phone that it spontaneously stopped working. It was Scott who was almost late for work, thoug, not me. I downloaded an alarm app after that. But I can just use my phone's alarm now.

  4. I do not get along with humidity either! Living in North Carolina was awful for my skin.

  5. I never trust my phone! I always turn the sound off, but the alarm does ring with the sound off, but I never trust it!!

  6. Once you find out, let me know about the Clarisonic thing. I've thought about it too.

  7. I use a regular alarm clock AND the alarm on my phone. I need them both.

  8. I'm proud of myself because I knew immediately the komnd was calmed.

    You must get pretty good at translation after lots of grading children's papers!! :)

  9. I am the opposite about Walking Dead! I kept saying "Don't die, Hershel! Don't die, Glen!" I think next week with the return of the crazy Governor, it will be good!

  10. I have awful skin in Florida {if we travel somewhere less humid, it is instantly better}, and have to get regular facials. I've been curious about the Clarisonic but am cheap! Haha..let us know how you like it!

  11. I don't trust my phone either... I always set it on the wrong day or something...

  12. I don't pay close attention to WD but the past two weeks, according to Keith, have been dull. Hopefully it picks up!

  13. My husband watches TWD and I saw bits and pieces of Sunday's episode, which was my first experience with it and EW I have no idea how you guys watch that. Matt says that you get desensitized to the gore, but the whole thing just grossed me out. I got a Clarisonic Mia 2 two years ago, and I did like it, but around the same time I started getting cystic acne. I have no idea if it was related, I have read that there's a 6-8 week adjustment process for some people during which you might break out more than normal, but then it clears up, but that didn't seem to be the case with me so I stopped using it and decided not to try again. I hope you have better luck, I promise I'm not trying to turn you off from it!

  14. My skin goes insane at every season change, and sucks hard through most of the winter. Let me know what you think of the clarisonic.


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