April 23, 2012

Sunday Funnies

This was a weekend of pure and absolute laziness and nothingness.  I forgot my stack of papers and whatnot at school, so I couldn't grade.  I'm pretty sure my finger is sprained and I had to move from the loveseat to the couch because I was making too big of a dent in the loveseat.  Productiveness at its finest. 

What do I do when I'm feeling particularly lazy?

Why peruse Pinterest, of course!

I've been laughing at this for days.

This is me everyday.  My laziness follows me to the classroom.
Remember on The Office when Dwight says what this world needs is a good plague?  I think Dwight would support The Hunger Games.
I want this.  Husband, pay attention.
Oh that smoldering look...

Who doesn't love ridiculously photogenic guy???
People who can't spell "ridiculous" tick me off.  Maybe R.P. Guy will help solve this problem??
Find anything funny on Pinterest lately???  Browsing the Humor section, I'm pretty sure, steals whole hours of my life.

Mingle 240


  1. Haha! I love these! The Hunger Games one and the evil puppy are hilarious!

    Thanks for linking up! :)

  2. Hi from Mingle Monday! THESE ARE SO HILARIOUS!

  3. Visiting from MM! These are great!


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