January 2, 2012

Peanut Butter Marble Blondies

Hello 2012..let's hope you move yourself along rather quickly...

I don't have any real resolutions. My GOALS for the next year are to be the most productive person I can based on the fact that my husband is deployed.  You military wives know what I'm talking about.  Real clothes, make-up, socializing, a clean house, real food for dinner..sometimes it's all you can do.  I just resolve to stay above water and not fall into a pajama-and-candy-coma each evening and weekend. Best of luck to me!

Waaaaaayyy back in 2011, I made a version of a blondie.  It came out much like marble cake.  I used a mini-muffin pan to make them.  I adapted that version of blondies to come up with this recipe.  I like it much better.  So much so that I'm going to get rid of that other recipe and its revolting photo*.  If you want it, you better get it now...

Anyway, this peanut butter version is much better, and the reasons are two-fold:
1.  The peanut butter acts as a fat and replaces some of the whole stick of the butter that went into these 20 little mini muffins.  Oh, and old habits die hard...I added unsweetened applesauce in place of some more of that whole stick of butter.
2.  Peanut butter and chocolate are combined and can then go into your mouth.  Period.

Peanut Butter Marble Blondies
makes 20 mini-muffin size blondies

2 T. butter, melted
3 T. peanut butter
1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
3/4 cup to 1 cup brown sugar (depending on your tastes, it won't alter the consistency)
1 egg
2 t. vanilla
1 cup flour
1 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

In a medium-sized saucepan, melt the butter.  stir in the peanut butter and applesauce until combined.  Turn the heat OFF.  Add the sugar, vanilla, and egg.  Mix WELL with a wooden spoon.  Fold in the chocolate chips.  They'll start to melt a little, but that's okay.

Spoon into a greased mini-muffin pan.  Bake at 375* for 7 minutes.  If a toothpick doesn't come out clean, bake for another 2 minutes, but watch them closely.

*I realize that these photos aren't exactly prize-worthy either.  Since these make a healthy treat, I'll re-create them one of these Saturdays, when I am given the gift of 4 hours of daylight.  Daylight situation explained here.

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Sweet Indulgences Sunday
Savory Sunday 
Tuesday Talent Show
Creative Monday
Crazy Sweet Tuesday
Tasty Tuesday
Cast Party Wednesday
The Stuff of Success
These Chicks Cooked


  1. Freakin' awesome! These look delish. :) I'm will hope that your husbands' return date cometh quickly!

  2. These look fab,I love peanut butter.Thanks for joining us at Creative Mondays :)


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