2. I made my way through an entire bag of these in the last two days. I dipped them in hummus though. That makes them healthy.
3. I understand that there is a heat wave happening? Huh. I don't even remember what that is. Can someone describe it to me?
4. This high temperature around 1pm was about 65*. I set the temperature in my car to 81*. Tricks my mind into thinking it's summertime.
5. I'm making Spaghetti Squash Stir-Fry for dinner. I'm going to set the oven to 425* in a non-air-conditioned house and roast a spaghetti squash for an hour. That's how
6. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing beer bread. Get your spinach dip ready.
It was LITERALLY (not just felt like) 100* in Altoona today. No kidding. Perhaps spend all day making things in a really hot oven. Maybe you'll get there!