July 16, 2011

A Guest-Post (!) and Some DIY: Refurbishing a nightstand

This is very exciting!

I'm guest-posting today at Something Swanky: (DIY) Specialty Cupcakes & Desserts. Check it out!

But, while I don't have a recipe for you here today, I have a do-it-yourself tip.  

I've been...trolling the thrift stores lately looking for solid wood furniture and decorations that I can paint. 

I found this frame for $1.75 at The Salvation Army.  I painted it, glued the paper to the front of the glass, and hot-glued some buttons on the front.  Very easy.  I found the idea on Pinterest.  I used our monogram, but you could do just about anything.  The example I saw had the word "Home" written in buttons on burlap. 

Then there's this.  Which you may remember reading about a million and a half years ago.  It's been on our wall for awhile now, but it has taken me this long to get a picture.  My laziness astounds even me.

Then I found this nightstand/end table for $8.50. 

Perfect for the guest room.

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