January 14, 2025

Planner problems in the year 2025

i got this because it was plaid. that was my criteria.

I've written posts about planners before. In fact, I swore off teacher planners and then I bought one this year(!). I stopped using it around September, if anyone is wondering. Actually I do use the gradebook feature in the back because I like that it keeps everything in one place. I don't use the planner part though anymore. I use a Google Doc with a lesson plan template I made years ago. 

I thought about a Home Planner. My friend loves them. They seemed so involved to me (maybe that's what I need though?) and all the good colors were sold out when I got around to being ready to order.

The Erin Condren planners have doubled in price in the last 10 years for some reason. 

I was leaning toward a Day Designer

Last year, I got an undated Erin Condren one from Amazon and it was fine but I ended up scrapping it after about 6 months and just grabbed a calendar planner from Walmart, month by month, to get me through the rest of the year. Mostly just to write down appointments and reminders.

Over Christmas break, I had some free money from a rebate and I stacked some coupon codes and ended with up an Erin Condren planner again. It obviously wasn't cheap...they never are...but it was "free" (or, rather, it was $45). 

I still remember my first EC planner. It was $27 plus shipping so it was less than $35 altogether in 2012. Now the price is about $60 + shipping, which is insane for a planner. I did lots of research over Christmas break, which is funny considering I went back to the brand I always go back to...and they aer ALL about $60 now. 

Last year, before I got the undated Erin Condren one cheap on Amazon, I got a Passion Planner and I hated it so much that I never used it. I tried to sell it for like $10 and it was a no-go so it just sat in a drawer. 

I've tried, before you ask, to do electronic calendars. I can't handle it. I went through of period of using Google Calendar and it was fine but then I was never just *seeing* it in front of me so I was always forgetting and checking off things and pushing reminders...and I operate under two different (well, 3, but that's a long story) Google log-ins: school and personal. Scott doesn't use Google Calendar at all so we can't share a calendar the way lots of couples do, and he uses Outlook for work and basically never wants to see a calendar in front of him if he doesn't have to. He also uses an android and a regular computer (not a Mac) so we can't share an iPhone calendar. 

What kind of planner did you go with this year? 

Or, did you do what I almost did and just give up altogether? Are planners still worth it? Eh. I don't know. They still bring a silly amount of joy, you know?

(I suppose I get a kickback from this but it doesn't actually matter since I already ordered a planner this year and I don't spend money on the Erin Condren website other than maybe once a year...

But I wanted to drop this link again, if YOU still need a planner and want $10 off.)

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