November 24, 2023

Christmas Gifts for 5 and under

Instead of doing two separate guides (loosely using that term here), I decided to just plop all of it together. Again, when I'm doing things like thinking about Christmas gifts, I'm always struck that having a nearly 4 year age gap is odd in this day and age because they are truly in two different places. And everything we buy for Wells, I think "oh Sutton can use that in a few years". Truthfully, she uses most of it now. They share Legos, for instance, at an age in which I would have never allowed Wells to have regular Legos. 

First, my absolute favorite purchase from last year that I wanted to mention: The Kozy Couch. This is an alternative to The Nugget. We have a Nugget, and I waited on a list for over 6 months to get that thing. It was a great investment. However, I wanted to get another piece/section for Sutton last year and I opted for this one. I like it so much better. The cost is about the same, I admit. The material is nicer though. It's more of a couch-like feel. It's almost like corduroy. I don't know how to describe it but I prefer it to the Nugget. I can't recommend it enough. 

Leap Frog Magic Globe. My parents got this for Wells as his big gift. I think he'll enjoy it and it'll keep him busy for years. 

I got Wells this Lego City set at Walmart awhile back and stuffed it away in a closet. But I wish I had gotten this arctic one instead! 

Magnatiles. For the preschooler, for the toddler, for the school-age kiddo. I feel like these could keep them all busy for hours. We have the zoo set and the dinosaur set is coming for Christmas. 

Nerf Gun. Wells really wants a Nerf gun and has been asking for awhile and I forgot about it for his last birthday. 

Lincoln Log Tree House. The one-year-old AND the five-year-old can happily play with Lincoln Logs together. Adding this to the collection we already have. I love that the original set comes in a tin and we can just keep filling it up and don't have to worry about storage. 

Play sink. Hoping this provides the stimulation of the bathtub and will keep Sutton busy for more than 17 minutes. 

Couch slide. Sutton's big gift from my parents. I've had my eye on this for awhile. I think it looks so fun and useful because she's much more of a climber than Wells ever was. And it folds up. Bonus points there. 

Baby stroller. Sutton loves to push things around. Play mops and brooms, laundry baskets...might as well give her something to utilize. 

I'm really trying to make this the Christmas of less since we'll be traveling for the holidays and I'm not hauling things around which also means we'll be doing 3 Christmases again (I swore I'd never...). I can already sense it getting out of hand :D

What would you add as a *must* for a kid under 5? 

We have tons of Little People, we'll probably end up with some megablocks, Picasso tile bricks are good if you don't have them, and I love Duplos as soon as they hit age 2. 

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