April 27, 2020

Biscuit Puff Pizza

This was a recipe I found back in the day. I believe I followed the blogger because she held a weekly recipe link-up? Honestly, who even remembers 2011 at this point? (Here's her original post)

But it's perfect for these days of social distancing and being stuck at home because it's a fun take on pizza night and kids can definitely help make it. I can't imagine a kid not liking it either.

Wells had a few bites, but he ate 3 Halos before I handed him the pizza so he was probably full.

I could've come up with a more interesting recipe to share today, but we're all in this place of cooking constantly, so an easy dinner seems appropriate.

This is one that you can put together quickly AND it tastes great. I can't promise it's healthy but, just like last week, eat a salad with it or something. We had this on Saturday night.

Biscuit Puff Pizza
Makes an 8x8 pan

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Cut your biscuits into quarters and place them in the pan. You don't need to grease it, I've found.

Bake for 8-10 minutes and then start adding your toppings.

I took the time to sauté some mushrooms and onions.

Bake for 8-10 more minutes and then broil the top for a few minutes.

I think I'm going to use the next few weeks to re-do my recipe index as well. Many of those recipes I made once and never made again. I'll leave them on the blog, because they tell the story of the last 10 years, but I think I'll streamline the index to the foods I make often because they're worth repeating.

In case you missed it, here's what I've posted for "social distancing recipes" so far. They are all easy, made mostly with pantry staples, and they are dinners we've eaten over the last few weeks.

Easy Pizza Rolls
Eggplant Parmesan
Leftover Quesadillas 
Pantry Enchiladas
Oven-Fried Potatoes
Creamy Chicken Casserole


  1. biscuits and pizza are two of my favorite things!

  2. I would love this because I love thick crust pizza - the Hubs doesnt... maybe if I spread it out - use less biscuits.

  3. This looks so good!!! Pizza anything is a recipe I can get down with. Zoe has been obsessed lately with anything pizza related. Pizza goldfish, flatbread pizza, pizza rolls, pizza lunchables. ALL OF IT.

  4. You had me at pizza, and this looks beyond delicious!

  5. Ooh, this is an interesting take on pizza. It looks so good!


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