June 3, 2019

Weekending 6/3

This weekend, we were originally supposed to go to my parents' house but Scott was still kind of sick, and Wells and I weren't back to 100% yet. 
Also, we wanted to see my brother's new baby but they weren't going to be in town and we have plans to go home next weekend anyway. 
So we stayed put and just had a normal weekend. 
We haven't had a lot of normal weekends in the last year. I thought we'd have more in Pittsburgh, but it's just as busy here as it was when we were in Colorado. 

Saturday, Scott went to the gym while I fought with my Macbook. It just died. It went from working perfectly on Thursday to acting funny on Friday night and then Saturday morning, I spent all of Wells' morning nap just trying to get it function enough so I could move my 10,000+ pictures off of it. It wasn't being slow or anything. It just stopped functioning. A few people suggested I have the hard drive replaced, which is a good idea, but I've already done that once. Back in 2015, I had the screen replaced when it shattered and they also replaced the hard drive. I wasn't doing that again. 
Anyway, Sunday morning, it wouldn't work at all. I fought with it for awhile. 

In the afternoon, we went to a taco shop down the street (they were out of queso which was a slight tragedy), to Lowe's to get some plants, and then I picked up the groceries at Walmart while Scott mowed the lawn and changed the oil and planted the garden. (Edited to add: Scott worked on cleaning out the garage...something we've been wanting to do since we moved in back in January...while I took a nap.)

Sunday, I went to the gym and then Scott took the dogs on a hike. We try to do this most weekends. Which means that they get to go out (with "daddy"), minus the baby. 

Scout required a bath  upon the return home. 


Sunday afternoon, we went to the mall and Scott picked up a suit he's wearing for a friend's wedding this summer and then we went to the Apple Store and I got a Macbook Air. 
A new laptop had been on the long list of things I wanted for a year or so now but I never would've insisted on it. And, actually, I could've dealt without one for a bit. But here we are. Now I'm spending the week trying to figure this thing out. 

Actually, we have a really busy week by my current standards. Today starts off with the annual vet appointment for Scout, so thoughts and prayers muy appreciated. He really hates the vet. Good thing he just had a bath yesterday. 


  1. I so hate when computers go bad.. & while I always love a new computer, it give me anxiety setting it up & getting all the things hooked up & passwords connected. It's a job.
    Scout - haha!!! The fight against mud - never ending!!!

  2. as much as i love apple computers, i'm convinced that they program their devices to die after 5 or 6 years.

  3. I did forget to tell you that Keith also said just trash it and get a new one, ha...good luck with it!

  4. Those pictures of Scout are epic! He really DGAF! LOL
    Oh no, were you able to save the 10,000 pictures at least?!


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