August 14, 2018

Books I didn't finish in July

A perk of Scott's student status on campus is that I can browse the library and he checks out the books for me. I grabbed these three at the end of June.

I read exactly half of each one, lost interest, and returned them to the library.

He Said/She Said
This probably wasn't bad but it didn't move quickly enough to hold my attention and the back and forth between time periods was a struggle for some reason. Some of the details it gave were vague and I'd rather have just had more revealed toward the beginning. This means I still don't know how it ended so feel free to spoil it...but maybe not in the comments.

The Female Persuasion
Again, not "bad" but not something that pulled me in. I didn't like Grier or the guy (I can't even remember his name) for many reasons, but I appreciated Grier's perseverance. Especially because she went to college at a time I was in college and millenials and mass entitlement didn't really exist yet with that age group, though she came across as entitled at times. I did feel bad for her because her parents were awful.

Alternate Side
I don't get what the plot was. I really did read half of it and I'm still not sure I understood. It was like half Unfaithful, half Christmas with the Kranks (but I can't even be sure there was adultery because I didn't read that far). It could be subtitled My Discontent with my Privilege, I bet.
Maybe I'll try another Anna Quindlen book though. What is a good one?

And then I had grabbed Pray for Silence, the second in the Kate Burkholder series, from the library the day before Wells was born. I read 1/4 of it and never touched it again, returning it the day it was due. Maybe someday...

Have you read any of these???

Linking up (pitifully) with Jana and Steph

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