September 20, 2016

How long do Rodan+Fields Products actually last?

When people try Rodan+Fields, I want to say that missing a day here or there won't make a difference and that's probably true. But my biggest secret as a consultant (and as a customer) is that I want you to use the products. I don't want you to buy them and never use them. You and I both get nothing out of that. I want you to love them and see results and become loyal to them the way I have. Most of all, I want them to heal your skin the way they healed mine. That won't happen if you never use them, or only use them once a week, or just once in a great while. In order to get these products to work, you have to go all in.

We go all in on 21 day fixes, and cleanses, and workout routines...and we often get them to work for awhile before we stop for one reason or another. (and unless you turn it into a lifestyle, you will, in fact, stop seeing results).

Life happens and that's okay, but literally all Rodan+Fields is asking us to do is wash our face every day. It takes minutes and it can change everything.

All that being's what I currently use:

Disclaimer: I buy my own products. But since I have somewhat of a scaffolded schedule of how/when I use the products, they don't need replenished all at once, which makes it affordable. Also, I'm linking to the products, but they aren't *quite* affiliate links. You'd have to actually buy the products to make them such. 

I use the Sulfur Wash, the Clarifying Toner, and the Dual Intensive Treatment in the morning. Then I put on the Multi-function Eye Cream. I carry the Triple Defense Broad Spectrum SPF 30 moisturizer with me, in case I have any dryness. However, if I know I'm going to be in the sun all day, I put it on before I leave the house. 

During the day...
I also carry the Essentials Lip Shield and the Soothe Sunscreen. If I'm outside for more than 10 minutes, I put the sunscreen on my face. It's matte and completely non-greasy. It can go on under or over make-up depending on your needs. I admit that I didn't used to love the Lip Shield, but I pulled it out to use again one day and, all of a sudden, I did love it. I can't explain this. But now I have a tube of it stashed everywhere. If I'm going to be outside, I put on the Essentials SPF 30 Sunscreen. I keep my tube of it by the door or I take it with me if I'll be outside elsewhere. 

At night...
At night, I wash my face with the Redefine Daily Cleansing Mask, usually in the shower. The smell of this alone is what keeps me using it. It is the freshest, cleanest, most pleasant smell out of all the products I've ever used. It's spa-like and heavenly. If I could truly recommend one thing to the general population, it's this! 
Sometimes I use the Microdermabrasion Paste either before or after. As you can see, I'm a fan of mixing and matching! After that, I use the Clarifying Toner, the Dual Intensive Treatment, and the Multi-function Eye Cream....those are my three MUSTS twice a day, every day. 

This seems like a lot of products (I never said I was low-maintenance), but here's approximately how long each product, that I use every day, lasts me:

Sulfur Wash---3 months
Clarifying Toner---2-3 months
Dual Intensive Treatment---2-3 months
Eye Cream---1 year
Triple Defense Broad Spectrum SPF 30 (moisturizer)---1 year (I don't use it every day.)
Daily Cleansing Mask---I've been using it once a day or every other day since February-ish and I'm halfway through the tube. 
Microdermabrasion Paste-1 year

This is not a 30-day supply, as you can see, so I think you do get your money's worth!

How long do your current products last? I'm kind of curious. I used to buy Proactiv and Neutrogena every couple of months. 


  1. I just literally saw a car in front of me yesterday with this brand & I was like, What is that?... so what is so special about this product? I'm all curious now.

  2. I have a friend that sells R&F and swears by it. I've considered it, but I have naturally ridiculously clear skin that I just wash with Dove soap and moisturize with coconut oil...I'm sure one day I'll need a product?!

  3. This is a good point. Not only do regimens last longer than people think, but it is true that once you make the up front investment in a regimen, you usually don't ever need all of the products at once. I have to say that I don't think I've really paid attention to how long I use my MaryKay products. I'm going to have to do that just for curiosity's sake.

  4. i can definitely see how you get your money's worth. i can't believe the eye cream lasts a year! i have never had any product last me that long, unless i didn't use it lol. i am super low maintenance as in if i try and do too much i eventually stop because i am so lazy, which i know is bad. i need to take another look at the email you sent me and do the tool thing again.

  5. If you only use it once a day, will you still see results?


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