September 29, 2015

The Manitou Incline and It's Not Fall Yet

I wrote this post on Sunday and on Sunday the forecast looked slightly less fall-ish for Colorado Springs.  It's looking more fall-ish right now, but that does not excuse the jeans/sweaters/boots combo I saw many people wearing when it was 85 degrees on Saturday.

On Saturday, we tackled the Manitou Incline.  I don't have a ton of pictures because I was worried about falling to my death and this is one of those places where they should be banning selfies.  I saw several selfies being taken mid-climb and one guy with a selfie-stick.  This is natural selection at work.

A random person finishing a few minutes after I did. People liked to take pictures and I had to get in line to take a picture from the top.

Anyway, the Incline is famous in Colorado Springs and it's almost a mile of steps going nearly vertical and taking you up 2000 feet in elevation.  Scott has done it for PT in the past and he said the in-shape people can do it in about 40 minutes.  We did it in 54 minutes and that's because I stopped for several breaks.  HOWEVER, I do believe I could've pushed myself harder and faster but I kept waiting for it to break me. Or for it to get so bad that I couldn't continue.  I rarely push myself to my outer limits and there's a few reasons for that but I won't bore you. I had plenty of time to delve into the psychological inner-workings of Kristin as I made my way up that mountain.  Second HOWEVER, everyone was moaning and groaning and panting and huffing and puffing and it tricked my mind into believing it was worse than it actually was.  Therefore I'd like to try again this fall and hopefully improve on my time.  Now that I know what it's actually like, I can probably address the Incline with more vigor.  If that makes any sense.

The best option down from the top is to walk 4 miles down the Barr Trail. This took over an hour and it was quite pleasant.  You're supposed to run down but I didn't and I probably should have because the mesh on my sneakers tore from the pressure of my toes and my toes hurt from said pressure.

The leaves are already starting to turn and it was about 85 degrees and an all-around gorgeous day.  Third HOWEVER...

It's not fall yet.  I don't understand people.  When I say people, I mean 20-something females.  We had to park in Manitou on our way to the Incline and it was a 2 mile walk just to the trailhead and then we had to walk back to the car after.  Through the town, I noticed many females wearing jeans, boots, SWEATERS, and scarves.  It was 85 degrees.  I get that it's the last week of September, but you all have to stop with this.  I mean, I like 65 degree days as much as the next person (I relish them, really, in this desert climate), but you cannot be comfortable in such garb.  You just can't.  Especially because a lot of places here don't have air conditioning.  Sure I'm annoyed that I'm just wearing the same 4 pairs of sandals over and over again to school because it's hot out.  And I do kinda wish I could pull out the leggings.  And not getting a sunburn standing out on recess duty would be great.  But until you've lived in a climate where winter starts October 1st (not fall, winter), you can't truly appreciate a perfect 85 degree September day.  So thank you, Alaska.  I appreciate sweating and sunburn and not getting to wear my new boots at the end of September now.

For the all the complaining people (20-something ladies) do about winter, they sure are eager for the clothing.  I, for one, will be wearing shorts and sandals on the weekends until at least mid-October.

Oh, speaking of fall...The Great Pumpkin Swap is in full swing.  Visit yesterday's post to sign-up!


  1. I don't like either winter or fall clothing. I love that i can wear short-sleeves year round now. That looks like a tough climb! I know I would have had a really hard time with it, bravo for making it appear easy! :)

  2. Ha YES!! I will never understand the hasty run for fall clothing. It's cute, sure, but come February you'll be over it and wishing for tank tops again. SLOW YOUR ROLL, ladies!

  3. So pretty! I have heard so many good things about the Manitou Incline, looks awesome!

  4. Right there with you on this weather & the sweater/boots combo. I'm loving this weather! It definitely beats Alaska and all the snow (don't get me wrong, I love snow) and Georgia where it's still practically 100 degrees there all day, everyday!

  5. You go! I don't fare well in high altitudes - I had altitude sickness a few times last week, and climbing 900 feet in elevation nearly did me in the one day.

    I will never understand people who dress according to what the season is supposed to be and not what the weather actually is. Stop it!

  6. It's still in the 100's here in Arizona and I've seen girls wearing boots, sweaters, and jeans for the past month! I don't get it! I would DIE if I wore jeans/boots/scarves/sweaters in 100 degree weather! I'll stick to my shorts and tees until it's in the low 70's here.

  7. That climb would have killed me. So beautiful though :)

  8. I've only ever made it halfway up. I want to go again. But now I'm worried because my lungs aren't used to the thin air!


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