February 4, 2013


Apparently there was a football game on yesterday.  I made this dip.  We ate it.  And my plans to wear my new purple tights today were absolutely ruined.  I didn't want to be mistaken for a Ravens fan.  How annoying, right?

Truth:  This scarf was $8 at Target. Took me two trips there to actually buy it. I wanted to avoid possible buyer's remorse.

Truth: A few months ago, an older gentleman in line at the Shoppette saw me wearing this shirt and asked if I went to Harvard.  At 26 years old, I was buying a $5 bottle of moscato at a gas station.  No, I didn't go to Harvard.

Truth:  I feel best about myself when I'm working out.  I feel like a lot of the rest of what I do is background noise.

Truth:  My yearly make-up budget is about $8.  $15 if I buy a new lipstick (that happened in August).  Okay, maybe $8 is a lie.  But I wear eyeshadow until it's gone and mascara until it dies.  I only buy new makeup if I have to.  Since my mom gave me a couple of lip glosses for Christmas, this year's make-up budget might be closer to $6.

Truth:  My anxiety has been out of control lately, and is manifesting itself physically.  I took 2 half-days off last week.  I can't say it really helped but just knowing I only had to go to work for half a day improved my mood.

Truth:  ..And then I was mad that Scott has today off and I don't.  Then I remembered that I spent two afternoons last week curled up on the couch watching Mad Men reruns.  We'll call it even.

Truth:  I often wonder how some blogs can have so. many. followers.  So, sue me.  You know you wonder too.

Truth:  I could make Scott a gourmet meal for dinner...and I still make myself a quesadilla.  Usually I offer him one too.  And, usually, he accepts.

Weekend Update
YOLO Monday
This Weekend I...
Mingle Monday


  1. I own the same scarf and it is one of my favorites... Feel no remorse... It's fantastic.

  2. I wonder how some blogs have many readers as well.

    I would take a quesadilla over a gourmet meal any night. It has become my comfort food.

  3. I love EVERY thing about this post. I can relate to every one of them. I definitely often wonder how some blogs can have so many followers. The only theory I can come up with is that everyone rubbernecks while driving to see a train wreck. The anxiety thing? Girl. I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU!!! Work seems to amplify it for me, too.

  4. i like this post! cute scarf! I hope this week is a better week for you! this is the part of year that gets hard to go to school and it just drags on!!

  5. My yearly make up budget is about $1. But that's only if you consider chapstick make up.


    Ok. $0

  6. Your makeup budget sounds very similar to mine. And you know how boring blogs get thousands of followers. It's the giveaways. They buy their followers, The rest of us just have to wait for the few followers who actually like reading instead of winning hundreds of dollars of free stuff.

  7. What a super cute scarf! Gotta love Tar-jay purchases!

    And I CRACKED up about yoru Harvard story! You should've totally gone with it, girl! ;)

    Thanks so much for Mingling today!

  8. Love the scarf!! Found your blog through the link-up, can't wait to read more!!

  9. Two thumbs up for the scarf!!

    It's because they do so many giveaways/participate in so many giveaways...which results in a bunch of followers that probably don't even actually read their blog. No thanks!

    I'm with you on the makeup. I used to buy a lot more of it but the older I get, the less I care about having all the fun new makeup pieces and I just stick with my tried and true stuff, and then only buy it when I actually run out. It saves a lot of money, heh.

  10. I agree on the followers! Or how people manage to get so many comments? Even this post has so many comments!

  11. I agree about followers, but then I remember that people do giveaways and usually the #1 entry is to follow via GFC. So I know that hardly half of those people are active readers. If they were - whoa.

  12. $8 a year?!?!? Wow. I spend more than that on a mascara!!

  13. I'm the same way when it comes to makeup. I could care less about it and have found myself not wearing it at all lately.

  14. Cute scarf, Im the same way with makeup - and i always wonder how ppl got so many followers! I got 100, and look at you go snazy pants! LOL now you got one more, im following along from the link up, come say hi if youd like - adayinthelifeofme.ktt.blogspot.com

  15. I love your truths. So sorry about the purple tights, but you're right. You can't be mistaken for a Ravens fan. Yuck.

  16. "At 26 years old, I was buying a $5 bottle of moscato at a gas station", this made me laugh; HARD. I don't even know why, most likely because that is something I would (or have) do! Also, I also made spinach & artichoke dip last night, that was what I was most excited about...and the guacamole I inhaled. Hahaha

  17. Super cute scarf! And I'm sorry about the anxiety. That really sucks. :( I'm thinking about you!

  18. So I went on this blate with these two girls who know you. And they were all, "You and Kristin would love each other! She hates Alaska! You hate Ft Campbell!" And Army post hate is a special kind of common bond that can only be made more special with $5 moscato from the shoppette. So in light of your recent follower-numbers-woe (which, holy Moses woman, you have almost 800 eyeballs reading your schtuff!), I have become your newest follower. Because really, how could I not?

    (PS. It was Lauren and Kate, but I think you probably already knew that.)

  19. I totally think that about blogs too. And why wouldn't a Harvard grad be buying $5 wine at a gas station? They would be crazy not to be.

    I wear very little make up too, except I started wearing bare minerals and I really do like it, but it is on the spendy side. I don't wear it in the summer or on most weekends, so it lasts me a while.

  20. How is it that I can never find a scarf for less than $15 at Target? I'm honestly spent 20 minutes in the scarf aisle looking for one, and wasn't able to find it.
    Make up. HA. I don't remember the last time I wore make-up. But then again, I'm 15. But then again, have you seen the other 15 year-olds out there?
    I'm almost caught up with Downton Abbey! Christmas Special of Season 2! :) Yes, I know I have a problem.


  21. Love that scarf!! and Mad Men is definitely the best show ever! i can't wait for it to come back.


  22. Hahahaha! I love you. I totally do that with trips to target for items under $20. Nothing is worse than buying something then deciding ehh, wish I hadn't. But, this summer I did that I went back to buy the hat and they didn't have it anymore. 6 months later I still double check the hat section, maybe one was found in the back of the warehouse they forgot to put on the floor. You never know. I have horrible anxiety too. Sometimes you just need a day. Definitely doesn't help me in the long run but for that afternoon it's really nice.

  23. I feel ya on the anxiety! So dang awful! Have a great day!

  24. You are lucky in the makeup department, this momma must add under eye stuff to my face. And I sometimes look at people who have 1037392%1 followers but only three comments a post and definitely decide ill take fewer, but more active readers.

    Hope the anixety calms down!

  25. I rarely have buyer's remorse. it's usually why-didn't-I-buy-that remorse :)

  26. Great scarf!

    I have a Harvard sweatshirt and get the same question, as I'm standing in old tennis shoes with toddlers hanging off of me. Yep. Totally went to Harvard. For a class trip.

    I wish I wasn't such a makeup hoarder, but I am. I love trying new stuff. ELF lets me feed the addiction for dirt cheap though.


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