January 24, 2025

Friday things. 1/24


This podcast episode is insane. It made me rethink everything I thought I knew. Give it a listen. 

I was cleaning Wells' room the other night and finally threw away the Hatch. It stopped working the way I wanted it to months ago but still had a little bit of functionality. (It doesn't help that Wells took a pen to it, and everything else in his room, and wrote his name). But it served us very well for 6 1/2 years so it was a great investment.

LETRS unit 7 out of 8. Almost done. I don't mind going to the trainings. The teachers are good. I've learned a lot that I apply every day. I just cannot stand the busywork aspect. It's 24 college credits of work over 2 school years and that's completely unfair. 

I need all of this Chiefs stuff to disappear. 

We ordered this, to kind of replace the Hatch. It was very worth it. 

I went to an actual mall the other day for the first time in 5 years. I had to go to Kay's and so I just walked the whole place, to see what stores were there. I hadn't been to *this* mall since 2013 and hadn't been to an indoor mall since Pittsburgh in 2020. So...
It was jam-packed.
I used to be in the mall once a week as a teen or college student.
It's amazing what online shopping has done to our culture.
But this mall is also 90 minutes away so it's not like it does me much good on the regular...
Deep thoughts.

She convinced me to move her kitchen to *the* kitchen so we're doing this now. 

All the spring clothes and shoes are out.  I went to Walmart to get Sutton some pants because she's outgrown everything pant-like in the last 2 weeks. They have no pants because "retail seasons" or whatever. (I ordered a bunch from Carter's on clearance.)

But I took this at the mall because I really like these sandals for her. Spring shoes stress me out. Anyone else? I'm so much more comfortable pulling out the same winter shoes each year. Buying sandals is always hit or miss. (These are too big but I'm thinking I could find something similar for her...you know, *online*.)

Finally, again:

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