*Spoilers ahead*
I mentioned a few weeks ago why I didn't like the book Sandwich. It was a vague rant because no one likes unnecessary spoilers. Well, here's the spoilers, so read if you want to.
The MC (main character...I don't even remember her name) was portrayed as zany, emotional, and scattered. It was all blamed on menopause which, fine. However, as the story unfolded, it became very obvious that her trauma, which was a focal point always alluded to, was self-inflicted. You see, she had grown up in a stable, loving home. She had married. She had had two children. Then she got pregnant a third time and had opted for an abortion because she was so overwhelmed with two little kids and couldn't imagine loving a third the way she loved her first two. I say "opted for an abortion" because that's literally what she did: She chose to kill her baby without telling her husband because she was tired or something. She treated it as an absolute choice, the way you would choose between two different brands of prenatal vitamins.
After that, she realized oh hey, I do want a third child and they tried for years to get pregnant again and she had a miscarriage, adding to the tRaUmA load she was experiencing. I don't doubt that miscarriage was traumatic for her; starving her 12 week old baby to death with a cocktail of prescribed drugs was probably traumatic for the baby too. And, if you read the book (eh, don't), she still made that all about her. There was a 12 week old baby dying inside of her and it was all about her fEeLiNgS.
This whole book really was about her and her messed up thought process. I really don't recommend it. It actually depressed me and I was incredibly irritated for the next day or so.
While I don't really believe in karma, I believe this MC absolutely got what she deserved when it came to never recovering from this trauma because she never understood the implications of her actions. That is why she sucked so much. She seemed to think she was the innocent victim and it was everyone else's fault. She never actually grew up and realized what she'd done. There was no repentance or regret for her mistake.
It gets worse.
There was a 20 year old daughter who clearly had some issues and it was alluded to that she'd spent time in the hospital after a suicide attempt and also she was a lesbian. This daughter was just "the best" though and I did wonder if the mother's manic parenting brought on by her self-inflicted trauma had led to the daughter's problems. You know, "loving her kids too much" and all. Loving them enough to kill the third, that is.
There was a 24 year old, or so, son who had a girlfriend he'd been with for years and the major plot point was that she was pregnant and they didn't know what to do or something. They were on the path to marriage but weren't ready for kids or whatever. This girl had already had one abortion when she was in high school just because and it was talked about with the nonchalantness of going to the doctor and getting an antibiotic for an ear infection or something. They then kept referring to the current situation as "oh I don't know what we're going to do with it".
The son, a real knight in shining armor, said to his mom that he was okay with whatever the girlfriend decided to do and the mom was all like tHaT's WhY i'M sO pRoUd To Be YoUr mOm or whatever.
This is what I mean by these people sucked.
Adding to this, the MC's parents were Jewish and had many relatives killed in the concentration camps. What toxic combination of culture and greed led from Jews protecting life at all cost and striving to survive to killing off their offspring on purpose in one generation?
The major climax was supposed to be when the MC told her husband that oH yEah, I killed our third child 18 years ago because I couldn't handle it, sOrRy I never told you please don't leave me. And the husband just shrugged.
The MC also made it known that even though her husband had a great professional career, she was the one who brought in all the money as a work-from-home writer who also cared for her two kids full time, yet we never got an inkling of information about what she wrote (that I recall anyway).
Sure, Jan.
In the end, the son and the girlfriend got married and killed their baby. That's literally what I got from the last few pages of the book. If anyone else saw something different in the writing, let me know.
My real problem with the MC is that she treated her grown children like they were 10 years old and therefore, never let them grow up and make mistakes in a healthy way. A child who is parented well wouldn't assume the best scenario is to murder their own child.
Even when the MC came out and told everyone oh hey, I killed your sibling... this is probably why I'm so unhappy (jk she didn't say that last part), they were just like oh, okay. you did you and that was important.
So the cycle continued.
This is the problem with the mindset of many people today. They would rather believe in the fictional right to kill a child than not. I've spent years at this point trying to figure out why and I can come up with a few reasons.
1. They themselves have had abortions and feel such guilt that they can't help but defend their choice instead of telling others not to make the same mistake.
2. They don't actually understand what an abortion is: pure ignorance. Here's simulation videos and descriptions. Go watch. Let us not forget that even though we have been fed the lie that abortion is "safe", it is never safe for the baby and mothers can die too.
3. They are totally okay with it. They know what it is and what it does and don't think it matters.
It's likely #3. This is why a group of people build an entire political party around the idea that you should be able to kill a baby at any point in the womb. The fact that that is the number one issue for this particular set of voters, like our main character (suburban white women), is damning. When a suburban white woman posts that they cannot imagine their daughter not having the right to kill their child and that is why they are voting for the most pro-abortion politicians...I can't help but think they are completely blinded and have no cognitive dissonance. Discernment is a power ability that, apparently, few of us were actually gifted with.
It's all gross. It's a death cult. It's the mark of an ignorant person to say "but abortion..." when voting for a politician. If that is your number one issue, you are an uninformed voter. I think that's my hill to die on this election cycle. I cannot take, and will not take, you seriously.
Abortion is also really really bad for women. This information will blow your mind.
Illegal immigration, the lack of a border, insane government spending, inflation, the economy, overseas and international conflicts: we seem to forget all of that when someone mentions potential limits on poisoning and dismembering our society's future citizens.
And that is why Sandwich was a terrible book.
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