January 27, 2023

Friday Favorites, 1/27

1. Some baby favorites I wanted to mention:

Boon bath mat. I bought this years ago for Wells. It didn't quite work in our tub back then, so I gave it to my parents and Wells used it there every time we visited. Then, when I went home for Thanksgiving, I used it in the tub for Sutton and it worked out great. I brought it back to Missouri with me and now we use it every day. Cannot recommend enough. 

Vtech baby monitor. I know you all love your $300 baby monitors but I have no idea why. I got this Vtech one back around the 6 month mark and it's been a game-changer for keeping an eye on a more mobile baby in the crib. I would recommend this $50 monitor to anyone. It has every bell and whistle and works so well. Holds a charge all day and night too!

Kozy Couch. I got this for Sutton and Wells for Christmas. We already have a Nugget and, the politics of Nugget aside, it is probably the best thing I ever bought for Wells. It has served as an ottoman in our living room and a place to easily change a baby and a place for tummy time too (before baby can roll, obviously). This time, I grabbed a Kozy Couch to add to it. Again, super impressed with the quality. I cannot recommend it enough! 

2. Time has gotten away from me here and I decided I needed to make some muffins for Sutton. I used to do this sort of thing for baby Wells all the time. I put banana, applesauce, and shredded carrot and zucchini in them. When I mentioned to Wells that I was going to make muffins, he begged for two days to help. Finally, I got out all of the ingredients and he decided he didn't want to help after all. Then he decided he didn't want to eat any. Sutton won't eat them either. 

Scott says they're good. 

I also tried to make waffles last weekend and Wells proclaimed that he hated waffles, which was new information to me. Sutton wouldn't touch them. 

This is why I don't bake much anymore. 


I'm having a hard time remembering what day it is this week. I took everyone to the playground on Sunday(?) because Scott was away for the weekend. Weekends are LONG when you're the adult in charge. But it was nice weather and everyone (Scout and Wells) was well-behaved.

4. Who's watching The Bachelor? Anyone? I am dipping back in after almost two years away. Mostly because I need a break from true crime so the recap podcasts pass the time when I'm just around the house. My favorite Bachelor podcasts (taking all politics out of the equation) are Bachelor Party, Here to Make Friends/Love to See It, and I Hate Green Beans. 

5. First, if you want a good laugh, I put some books on hold this week:


I am over Wells' obsession with Youtube. It's like crack for kids. You cannot change my mind on this. It used to be that he just liked to watch kids play with toys. Now, he's discovered video games being played, which is the Most Boring Thing in the World. It's like waiting for your turn with the Super Nintendo but your turn never arrives. 
Anyway, he just watches it on the tv, not on a tablet or anything, but holy cow it's annoying. 
Since he is on my account, his Sonic and Paw Patrol videos are mixed in with my true crime and Pilates videos and it's quite the combination up there on the tv screen. 

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