November 11, 2019

Christmas Pajamas

I never planned on paying $30 for Christmas pajamas for a one year old. 
In fact, I never planned on buying Christmas pajamas. 
I've realized, through the wonders of social media, that many now-adults grew up with the tradition of getting new Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve each year. 
I didn't grow up with that. And nothing, as an adult, ever propelled me toward the idea of buying Scott and myself Christmas pajamas as a tradition of sorts. Part of this is because we started our marriage in the fall of 2009 and that was also the same year he did the first of five (so far) deployments and so we totally missed our first Christmas together. I didn't have the chance to set up traditions. 
I have a separate post coming on our Christmas traditions (and how we have none), so I won't elaborate on that now. 

Then, when I realized people were always up and buying new Christmas pajamas every year, I thought Hmm, maybe when we have a baby. 

Then we didn't have a baby. 
Literally, I had a whole Rolodex in my mind of "when we have a baby..." I will do x, y, z, a, b, c, and d. 
And then we just didn't have a baby. 
Instead we had a lot more deployments. 
(To be fair, between I want to have a baby and now we have a baby, there were only 3 deployments.)

So, a lot of the things I had wanted to do or planned to do just kind of got pushed around to the back of my mind. By the time, 5 years later, we actually had the baby, I had forgotten a lot of that. I never planned on teaching full-time for 8 years. I never planned on moving so many times pre-kid, etc. The space in my head was taken up with other thoughts and things and plans and knowledge that I didn't expect to spend all of my time focusing on (e.g. teaching Colorado history for 4 years to 4th graders instead of making mom friends on the army base). 

Last year, I bought Wells some Christmas pajamas and my mom sent him a really cute Christmas penguin outfit and I took lots of pictures of him in them and all of that good stuff. 

This year, I started thinking, I should buy him some Christmas pajamas. Which ones should I get? I looked at Target. I looked at Carter's. Nothing really jumped out at me. 

Then I went to Hanna Andersson's website and found these

Every once in awhile, something like this will present itself to me and I'll squint back at the Rolodex of things I had "planned" to do at one point. This was one of those moments. 

I'd never seen a more perfect pair of Christmas pajamas. The color, the pattern, and the illustrations made me put them in my cart and check out before I even realized what I was doing. 
I could've gotten him 2 or 3 pairs of Christmas/winter pjs for the price of these (and I got them for 40% off so the $30 was the price with shipping), but I thought about how he'll only have one second Christmas. He'll only have this one Christmas, to be honest, at my parents' house, because we live so close right now. I'll only get one chance to put him in 2T Christmas pajamas.
I might as well just buy them. 
And, because they're so perfect and because I will definitely want to get my money's worth out of them, I think our new tradition will be that Christmas pajamas come out the day after Thanksgiving. 

Do you have Christmas pajama traditions? 
I'm all for buying pjs as Christmas gifts, but I think Christmas-specific ones should be enjoyed all December long. 


Speaking of deployments, with today being Veterans Day...the best thing an American can do, aside from recognizing a veteran's service, is show respect to the Constitution, the country, and the flag. The ideals of this country are represented in those symbols and that's what they're fighting for, after all. 


  1. Those are freaking adorable. Sometimes you just find a thing worth the splurge. I didn't grow up with Christmas PJs, but my husband did. They all got to open one gift on Christmas Eve and it was always Christmas PJs and I knew I was "in" the family the first year I got a pair. It was their mom's tradition and she passed away in 2003 but my FIL carried it on a few years and then I have gotten some for Andrew on years it was just us two. Thanks for the reminder to text my SIL so we can make sure there are some for her girls this year!

  2. I LOVE those pajamas. Every year I tell myself I'll get HA pajamas for G, but every year I find myself unable to justify the price. I'll usually buy a few pairs from Carters & Gap instead, but she starts wearing them in October, not Christmas Eve. I've already decided that I WILL buy my kids matching pairs from HA next year.

  3. Ahh - I love those! They have such a vintage vibe to them.
    I kinda love Christmas PJ's are becoming a tradition - I take advantage of it myself & have a good excuse to buy me some new ones too :) LOL

  4. Uh well I've been saying the same thing for years now...when we have a baby I want to do this this and this. However if that doesn't happen then yes I'm going to start buying us matching pjs because its cute! (and those you bought are cute!)

  5. We don't have any Christmas PJ traditions. Those pajamas, I agree, are super cute. Love the pattern.


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